Support for students with disabilities

The Support Unit for Students with Disabilities of the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (DISUIMP in Spanish) is responsible for safeguarding universal accessibility as well as proposing measures to foster equal opportunities for people with disabilities and/or special needs.

Each Master or PhD program will assign a person (RAED) in charge of looking after enrolled students who have special needs because of their disability.

The name of these RAEDs will be confirmed to the support unit at the beginning of each course.

In the event of there being more than one program in the same partner centre, there may be just one RAED for all the programs.

Applying for support

The Support Unit for Students with Disabilities (DISUIMP in Spanish) makes sure that measures are taken to cater for those students with special needs.

Students can apply in 2 ways:

  • By ticking the box "I would like to apply for disability support" on the general enrolment form (Forms), or
  • By sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The UIMP’s Student Administration Office will inform both the support unit and the RAED by email of the enrolment of a student with special needs because of a disability.

The RAED will contact the student to find out in person what their needs are and to acquire the relevant technical or medical report.

Rulings on applications

Generally speaking, the RAEDs will propose the specific measures needed to support students with disabilities to the Academic Commission for their consideration.

The Commission will, in turn, put these proposals to the Vice-Rector of Postgraduate Studies and Research at the UIMP for their consideration. If the application is granted, the Vice-Rector's office will inform the General Secretary’s office.

Throughout the student’s stay at the university, the RAEDs should keep up-to-date on the measures in place and should see to it that they are enforced.

If necessary, they will meet periodically with the disabled student.

Make-up of the support unit DISUIMP

The members of the support unit are appointed by the University Board for a period of four years.

  • Juan José Fernández Muñoz (Coordinador)
  • José Manuel Sánchez Duarte
  • Montserrat Prieto González
  • Ignacio González Requena
  • Beatriz Casas
  • América López de la Riva


  • UIMP protocol for the care of students with specific educational needs derived from disability (PDF document). Approved by the UIMP Governing Body on July 22, 2019
  • Guide to University Adaptations 2018. CRUE-Fundación ONCE (Document PDF)
  • Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, dated 29 November, approving the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and their Social Inclusion (BOE No. 289 of December 3, 2013). Chapter IV. Right to education
  • Royal Education Decree 1791/2010, dated 30 December, approving the Statute for University Students (BOE No. 318 of 31 December 2010). Article 12. Implementation of rights
  • Organic Law 4/2007, dated 12 April, amending Organic Law on Universities 6/2001, dated 21 December (BOE No. 89 of 13 April 2007). Additional provision twenty-fourth. Inclusion of persons with disabilities in universities

Resources and services

General measures

The following are some of the measures available for students with disabilities:

  • Enrolment in fewer credits than the required minimum for a part-time MA course.
  • Disabled students, considered as those who have a disability of at least 33%, have the right to a waiver of all public fees in studies leading to a university degree.
  • Extensions are contemplated in special circumstances as regards the deadline for the application to register the doctoral tesis.
  • Special support for access to spaces and resources.
  • Accommodations in evaluation systems as to a disabled student’s special needs, for example: extra time to do an exam, adjustments to the way the exam is carried out, etc.
  • Special attention will be given to students requesting a resit.
  • Any other measure proposed by the RAED on the condition that it is justified.

In all cases, the RAED should notify the support unit of the UIMP (DISUIMP) of any proposed or adopted measures for disabled students.

General behavioural guidelines 

University personnel will at all times take privacy laws into account. Any information regarding a student’s disability will be strictly confidential and used exclusively to attend the needs of the student.

All those responsible for the paperwork, spaces, teaching and all processes related to the student’s stay at the university, must understand and attend to the needs of the disabled student.

If a university teacher or employee notices that a disabled students does not have the necessary accommodations in the classroom, they should immediately notify the RAED in case they are unaware of the circumstance.