Assessment and Convening of Examination
Assessment in each subject is undertaken on a continuous basis, as well as by means of an examination.
With regard to each of the subjects in which he or she were to be enrolled, in each academic year, the student concerned will have available to him or her a maximum of two exam sittings as convened:
- In February and in September, the latter in terms of resits, for those subjects the teaching of which would have been carried out during the first semester.
- In June and in September, the latter in terms of resits, for those subjects the teaching of which would have been carried out during the second semester.
Overall, the student concerned will have available to him or her four examination sittings as convened in order to pass each of the subjects which form part of the Study Plan.
The level of learning achieved by students in each of the subjects within the Study Plan, will be expressed in the form of numerical scores in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, dated September 5, the assigning of an alphabetically based grade together with its equivalent numerical score being compulsory.
No Show (NP) | |
Fail (S) | 0 - 4,9 |
Pass (A) | 5 - 6,9 |
Highly Acceptable (N) | 7 - 8,9 |
Excellent (SB) | 9 - 10 |
The mention of 'With Distinction' will be awarded to those students who would have achieved a score of 9 or higher. The total number of these 'With Distinction' mentions will not exceed five per cent of the students enrolled in a subject in the academic year concerned, except when the number of students enrolled is less than 20, in which case only one 'With Distinction' mention may be granted.
Those subjects which are weighted in terms of aptitude, Apt / Not Apt, will not affect the overall average grade on file.
If a specific Study Plan allows for the inclusion of free-ranging subjects, they will always be graded in terms of an aptitude-based system.
The Studies themselves are class-attendance based, unless otherwise stated, and attendance at sessions is compulsory. The Director of each Study Area will make provision for the adequate control of class attendance with the aim of assessing the extent of the compliance with it.
Procedure for the Completion of Official Grades Records
The Directors of Studies, and the members of the teaching staff, as well as researchers, involved in the teaching concerned will proceed according to the system of grading and the procedure for completion of Official Grades Records approved by the UIMP.
The Subject Teacher or the Subject Coordinator will be responsible for the Official Grades Records appertaining to the subjects coordinated by him or her.
Under no circumstances will Official Grades Records be signed by Assistants, Collaborators, or Research Fellows, even though they may have participated in the teaching of the subject concerned.
In the exceptional case of the Subject Coordinator being unable to sign the Official Grades Record concerned, the person responsible for the signing of it will be the Director of Studies.
- The Initiation of Access to Official Grades Records: The Vice Principal's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research will generate the initiation of access to the Official Grades Records and provide the instructions necessary for their completion by Coordinators and members of the Teaching Staff via the online computer application concerned and the password provided. The initiation of access to Official Grades Records will take place at the end of each semester, within the stipulated periods designated for such purposes and about which the members of the Teaching Staff responsible for carrying out the said task will be duly notified.
- The Signing of Official Grades Records: Official Grades Records must be signed by each member of the Teaching Staff responsible for the teaching of the subject concerned so as to facilitate the management and custody of them by the Student Administration Office and their subsequent inclusion in students' files.
It will not be possible to make any correction to the Official Grades Records once the process of ratification within the online computer system has been completed.
No individually based academic certificates may be issued until the corresponding Official Grades Records, in original format, have been filed by the Student Administration Office staff.
It is advisable to consult the Academic and Enrolment Calendar in order to find out about the stipulated periods involving the sealing of Official Grades Records which are set from year to year.
Applications concerning the Reappraisal of Examinations
Applications for examination reappraisal should be made in writing, on the form existing for such a purpose, addressed to the Teaching Team of the subject concerned. A form must be filled in for each subject in which the reappraisal of an examination needs to be requested. Applications must be filled in on an individual basis, reappraisals requested on a collective basis by several students not being accepted.
No request whatsoever for the reappraisal of an examination will be allowed which were to be based on criteria other than that of a strictly academic nature.
The application may be made by post to the UIMP Student Administration Office (Secretaría de Estudiantes UIMP. C/ Isaac Peral, 23, 28040 Madrid - Spain) or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., within seven calendar days from the date of the publication of grades on the UIMP Administration Office virtual platform (Secretaría Virtual de la UIMP) or via the procedure set down by which the grades for all subjects are made known.
- Form to be used to apply for the reappraisal of an examination (Forms)
Upon receipt of the request for the reappraisal of an examination, the Teaching Team concerned will be under the obligation to provide a reply before the official sealing of Academic Grades Records takes place. The Teaching Team's response should be a substantiated one and in keeping with the academic criteria for correcting that each Teaching Team would have set down.
Upon completion of the reappraisal, the Vice Principal's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research will be notified, via a minutes document, of the grade obtained as a result of the reappraisal, so it may be recorded in the file of the student concerned and he or she may be notified of it.
In the event of the student concerned being dissatisfied with the outcome of this initial reappraisal, he or she will be able to apply to the Vice Principal's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research, during the stipulated period of five calendar days following his or her having received notification of the resolution concerned, for an Examination Reappraisal Board to be set up within five calendar days of receipt of the resolution. The filing of this application does not impede the inclusion in the Official Grades Records of the grade obtained as a result of the first reappraisal.
The request should be made in writing on the stipulated form and sent by post to the UIMP Student Administration Office (Secretaría de Estudiantes UIMP. C/ Isaac Peral, 23, 28040 Madrid - Spain) or by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- Application concerning the setting up of an Examination Reappraisal Board (Forms)
Upon receipt of the application requesting the setting up of an Examination Reappraisal Board, the Vice Principal's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research will make the decision, of a substantiated kind, as to whether or not it should be set up. If it were the case, a Board will be appointed, made up of at least three members of the Teaching Staff belonging to the area of expertise to which the subject or subjects concerned is/are linked, the three members of the Teaching Staff responsible for the first reappraisal being excluded therefrom.
The Board may request as many assessment reports as may be deemed fit in order to come to a decision and the decision taken will be submitted to the Vice Principal's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research so that the final grade of the student concerned may be recorded in his or her file, while the interested party may be notified of it.
- Form used for the notification of a substantiated grade assessment (Forms)
Once the decision taken has been made known, the student concerned may lodge an appeal before the Principal of the UIMP within one month of having received notification of it, i.e. of the decision taken.