The proposals for official UIMP-based Qualifications Study Projects will be set before the Vice Principal for Postgraduate Studies and Research of the UIMP, who, appointed by the Principal, is to chair the Commission for Postgraduate Studies.
So as to ensure the initiation of the process of evaluation of the Programs concerned, a Project Dossier, in standard format, should be submitted by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
- Full Description Dossier of Proposals for UIMP-based Postgraduate Studies Programs
The Postgraduate Studies Commission will assess the proposals, according to the criteria for quality established beforehand by the University, and will prepare the corresponding report, which will be put before the Governing Council. The issuing of the report will include an analysis of the feasibility and strategic appropriateness of the proposal concerned and its compliance with current regulations, while positive value will be assigned to:
- the degree of international projection of the Teaching Staff and of the Program;
- the academic quality of the program concerned, to which end consideration will be given to the adequacy of the teaching and research, or professional, background of the group of those who will undertake the teaching;
- its coherence;
- the prior basis of the Study Plan and the interdisciplinarity that it sets out;
- the system of coordination and tutorials put forward;
- the monitoring and quality improvement procedures to be employed.
Approval of Postgraduate UIMP-based Qualifications Studies is incumbent upon the Governing Council at the behest of the Commission for Postgraduate Studies.
Stipulated Periods of the Processing Schedule
On a yearly basis the Postgraduate Studies Commission will propose an annual schedule for the processing of new UIMP-based Qualifications Programs.
In general terms, the calendar will be as follows:
- July: mandatory submission of projects to the Postgraduate Studies Committee, which will issue a preliminary report.
- September: submission of completed drafts of new proposals for the following academic year to the Postgraduate Studies Committee.
- October: submission of the new proposals to the Governing Council.