Pre-enrolment Procedure
Prior to pre-enrolment in an UIMP-based Study Plan, each student should check that he or she meets with the entry requirements, as well as the specific criteria for admission to the Program concerned, and that he or she is in possession of the required documentation.
The responsibility for the organization of the UIMP-based Qualifications concerned lies exclusively with the UIMP, or in collaboration with other universities, institutions or entities via an official Agreement. Each student should consult on the website the procedure and stipulated period of pre-enrolment as set down for each kind of Studies:
- Should it need to be undertaken via a Collaborating Institution: contact with that same entity would be required.
- Should it need to be undertaken via the UIMP Student Administration Office: pre-enrolment should be carried out via internet by completing the online Pre-enrolment Form available on the UIMP website.
Pre-enrolment via this online platform requires that, in addition to personal data, an indication should also be made of the Qualification which facilitates access to the Studies concerned, the date of its being awarded, together with an average-grade transcript based on academic records.
Dates for Pre-enrolment (Academic Year 2018-2019):
- Normal Period: from 2 April to 13 July, 2018 (until 2 p.m. Madrid time)
- Extended Period (in the case of those Study Programs with places available): from 20 August to 10 September, 2018 (until 2 p.m. Madrid time)
Documents required
On the specific web-pages of each Study Program , information is available regarding the documentation to be included as part of the application process.
Nevertheless, generally speaking, the following documents will usually be required:
In the case of students with an official Spanish University Degree or an European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Degree:
- Authenticated photocopy of National ID card, in the case of Spanish citizens, or of passport or identity document (NIE), in the case of foreign nationals.
- Authenticated photocopy of the Qualification Certificate which provides access to Postgraduate Studies, or proof of having paid the fees corresponding to the issuance of the certificate concerned.
- Certification of personal academic records, or authenticated copy thereof.
- ID or Passport-size photograph.
- Curriculum Vitae, so as to facilitate the assessment of other merits appropriate to the admissions profile.
Students with Qualification Certificates issued in accordance with Education Systems outside the EHEA:
- Homologated Higher Education Qualification Certificate:
- Authenticated photocopy of National ID card, in the case of Spanish citizens, or of passport or identity document (NIE), in the case of foreign nationals.
- Authenticated copy of the Higher Education Qualification Certificate which provides access to Postgraduate Studies and the homologation credentials concerning that same Qualification.
- Certification of personal Academic Records, or authenticated copy thereof, in which the duration of the official Study Plan being dealt with in terms of the number of academic years concerned is set down, together with the subject courses taken, the grades obtained and the quantifiable workload each of them involves.
- ID or passport-size photograph.
- Curriculum Vitae, so as to facilitate the assessment of other merits appropriate to the admissions profile.
- Non-homologated Higher Education Qualification Certificate or one that is currently being homologated:
- Authenticated Photocopy of National ID card, in the case of Spanish citizens, or of Non-National Identity Number (NIE), in the case of foreign nationals.
- Legalized Higher Education Qualification Certificate which ensures access to Postgraduate Studies.
- Legalized photocopy of the certification of personal Academic Records, in which the duration of the official Study Plan in terms of the number of academic years concerned is set down, together with the courses taken, the grades obtained, and the quantifiable workload each of them involves.
- Certification issued by the University of origin wherein it is set down that the Higher Education Qualification obtained provides access to Postgraduate Studies in that same country which issued it.
- ID or passport-size photograph.
- Curriculum Vitae, so as to facilitate the assessment of other merits appropriate to the admissions profile.
NOTE: Students with non-homologated Higher Education Qualification Certificates from universities outside Spain, or which are currently pending homologation, are required to submit duly authenticated documents, together with their corresponding translations into Spanish, should the circumstances arise.
Related links:
Legalisation and translation of documents issued in other countries
Submission of Documentation
In order to formalize online pre-registration: Students should attach documentation in PDF format as required of them in the section identifiable as "Required Documentation" within the linkable area entitled Pre-Enrolment Form. That documents be authenticated at the time of pre-enrolment is not a requirement. In certain areas of study the submission of additional documentation is compulsory. Students are requested to consult the web page of the Studies concerned during pre-enrolment.
If the student concerned is accepted for admission: The required documentation in original format should ONLY be submitted to the Student Administration Office (Secretaría de Estudiantes UIMP, C / Isaac Peral 23. 28040 Madrid, Spain) in the event that the application has been passed by the Academic Commission of the area of Study concerned:
- Originals and copies: in person in the Student Administration Office. Once copies have been checked for authenticity, originals will be returned.
- Authenticated copies: may be submitted in person in the Student Administration Office or be sent in by post.
Applications for admission will be cancelled by the Student Administration Office, if the required documentation in original format, and / or in its authenticated version, were not received within the stipulated period, or in the case that the data indicated did not match the documentation provided.
Enrolment Procedure
To enroll in an UIMP self-generated Study Program, the process of pre-enrolment should have been completed within the stipulated period and acceptance by the Program's Academic Commission been obtained.
The lists of those admitted, those refused a place, and those still pending, will be published on the UIMP website, via the link Admissions Lists.
Students not included in the lists of those who have been accepted for admission, or who find themselves on a waiting list, should consider their status as that of "Application Refused" and may submit claims against their non-acceptance within the stipulated period established each year (the Academic and Enrolment Calendar should be consulted in this regard). Claims should be submitted to the Academic Committee of the Program concerned via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The student admitted will be notified by the Student Administration Office by e-mail, which will also include an identification code that will allow him or her to formalize the enrolment via the on-line registration website located at the UIMP's Online Administration Office (Secretaría Virtual).
The Online Enrolment site will guide the student in selecting the Master's Program in which he or she is enrolling, in the method of payment and the stipulated periods of payment. It is important that, prior to enrolment, the syllabus plan of the Master's concerned be consulted in order to facilitate becoming familiar with the subjects in which to enroll.
Minimum number of students enrolled: The number of students enrolled in each Study Program cannot be less than ten (10), so that the Program in which enrolment is below that number will be cancelled.
Stipulated Period of Enrolment (Academic Year 2018-2019):
- 3 to 28 September, 2018
Related Links
Academic and Enrolment Calendar
UIMP Online Administration Office