Postgraduate and Research

General principles 

Access to the Menéndez Pelayo International University will be based on full respect for fundamental rights and the principles of equality, merit and capacity. Likewise, the principles of universal accessibility will be taken into account according to current regulations on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities.

Entry Requirements

Access to official University Master's degrees will be carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of Official University Education.

  • Entry via an official Spanish University Degree or with an European Higher Education Area Degree (EHEA): To access officially taught Master's Courses, applicants must hold an official Spanish University Degree (Bachelor Degree or equivalent, Bachelor's Five-Year Degree, Five-Year Degree in Architecture or Engineering), or of any other kind awarded by an institution of Higher Education belonging to another member state within the EHEA which is authorized to provide access to officially taught Master's Courses.
  • Entry with a Degree Qualification from outside the EHEA: Graduates from education systems outside the EHEA will be granted admission, without the homologation of their Degrees being required after verification by the University that those same systems are recognized as providing a level of academic training equivalent to the official Spanish University Qualifications concerned and that, within the specific country, they are authorized with the power of issuance of the Degree Qualification which provides access to Postgraduate Studies.
    The admission of these students is subject to the Principal's approval. In any case, the Principal's approval does not imply the homologation of the Qualification concerned beyond the fact that it is held by the applicant, nor the acknowledgement of it for purposes other than that of admission to the Courses taught within the Master's Degree.

Entry profile and required prior training that enables access to University Master studies

In the University Master's degree Study Plan and in the information provided prior to the pre-enrollment of students, a non-exclusive list of degrees that will give direct access to official Master's degrees should be established. A list of degrees that will provide access through supplementary academic training will also be established, where appropriate, with an indication of which would be those supplements to take.

The information regarding these requirements will be available and published on the UIMP website and on the website of the collaborating center. 

Supplementary Training 

The training supplements are the studies that the student must carry out as necessary to be able to follow the University Master's degree, if this has been established in the Study Plan, based on prior learning accredited by the student concerned. Thus:

  • The student must take them before the start of the Master's Degree.
  • They should be as small as possible and make it easier for students with different prior training to take the same University Master's Degree.

It must be considered that the number of credits of training supplements to be taken, added to the specific credits of the degree to which it is intended to access, should not exceed 120 credits. If additional training supplements to the 120 credits are necessary, they must be passed prior to access to the University Master's Degree.

Specific Criteria of Admission

In the University Master's degrees, the admission process will consist of two periods:

  • Ordinary period
  • Extraordinary period (it will be enabled exclusively for those studies whose number of admitted in ordinary period does not guarantee the minimum number of enrolled ones required for the impartation of the title).

Students pre-enrolled in the first period will have preference over students pre-enrolled in the second period. These periods will be established in the calendar approved annually by the Governing Council of the UIMP.

Within the maximum number of places offered for each University Master's degree, areas by degree or groups of access degrees may be established in accordance with the profiles established in the Study Plan. Similarly, in Official University Master's degrees of a mixed nature (professionals and researchers), different levels may be established for both profiles. If these quotas are not covered, the vacant places will be accumulated to the remaining participations or to a general one according to the system previously established by each program. All of this must be indicated in the information prior to the pre-enrollment period for students. 

In the Study Plan of the University Master's degree, the specific criteria of admission will be established under objective indicators that must be included in the Study Plan of each degree. This information must be published and available on the UIMP website and on the website of the collaborating center.

Admission Body

The admission process for each of the official University Master's degrees taught at the UIMP will be decided by the Vice-Rector's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Research at the proposal of the degree's Academic Committee, in accordance with the conditions established for each of these degrees in the Study Plan and the UIMP Postgraduate Regulations.

This information must be published and available on the UIMP website and on the website of the collaborating centre.

The list of students admitted to each University Master's degree will be sent to the General Secretary's Office, through the UIMP Students Administration Office, to proceed to the control of the students who will formalize their subsequent enrollment in the University Master's degree.

Special educational needs

Universal accessibility will be guaranteed and the necessary resources and support will be monitored for those students with disabilities in order to assure the correct completion of the Master's. We ask that these students indicate their specific needs when enrolling.

In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs derived from disabilities.