Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Commission Resolutions

  • An assessment report on the proposals for Masters' Studies and Doctoral Studies Programs, according to the criteria for quality established beforehand by the University. This same report will be put before the Governing Council. In issuing the report, positive value will be assigned to the degree of international projection of the Teaching Staff and of the Program, and will include an analysis of the feasibility and strategic appropriateness of the proposal concerned and its compliance with current regulations. The Commission will evaluate positively the academic quality of the program concerned, to which end consideration will be given to the adequacy of the teaching and research, or professional, background of the group of those who will undertake the teaching; its coherence; the prior basis of the Study Plan and the interdisciplinarity that it sets out; the system of coordination and tutorials put forward; together with the monitoring and quality improvement procedures to be employed.
  • Biennial assessment report on the monitoring of Masters' and Doctoral Studies Programs.
  • Proposals made to the Principal concerning the admission to an official Master's or Doctoral Program of students with non-homologated studies from universities abroad, and likewise the homologation of Master's and Doctoral Qualifications from universities abroad.
  • The authorization, where appropriate, of the participation of professionals and researchers not belonging to the university teaching staff in these Studies.
  • The authorization of modifications to already implemented Study Plans which do not involve a change in the essential character and aims of the Qualification concerned, subject to their being approved as such by the Council of Universities.
  • To ensure the setting up of internal procedures for guaranteeing quality control in each area of Study.

Stipulated Periods for the Processing Schedule of Official Masters’-level and Doctoral Studies

On a yearly basis the Postgraduate Studies Commission will propose an annual calendar schedule for the processing of new Masters'-level and Doctoral Studies, while taking into account the guidelines for assessment and verification as set out in the Royal Decree RD 1393/2007. In general terms, this calendar will be as follows:

  • July: mandatory submission of pre-projects to the Postgraduate Studies Commission, which will issue a preliminary assessment report.
  • September: submission of completed draft dossiers of the new proposals for the following academic year to the Postgraduate Studies Commission.
  • October: submission of the new proposals to the Governing Council.
  • November: submission of authorized proposals to the ANECA to await its assessment report on their verification.

The Doctoral Commission meets in regular session in October and February.


Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Commission

The UIMP Commission for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, chaired by the Vice Principal for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and made up of members, from outside the UIMP, who are specialists in a range of fields of knowledge, assesses the proposals made for the creation of Postgraduate Studies (official and UIMP-based), proposes new Programs, and issues mandatory reports to the Governing Council, prior to the adoption of the Programs concerned, based on the quality-related criteria it has set down regarding the inclusion of new Studies within the University's catalog.

The Commission performs the functions of accumulating information about, monitoring, and evaluating those Postgraduate Studies which have been implemented, while also proposing to the Principal the authorization of the admission of students who have received their non-homologated academic training abroad, and also issuing assessment reports on the admission of Doctoral students into the research phase of those same Studies, as well as authorizing the supervision of Theses, and also, in response to proposals put forward by Directors of Studies, issuing decisions on applications received for the homologation of credits, also undertaking the approval of proposals concerning the appointment of Doctoral Theses Examining Boards, as well as authorizing the public defense of Theses.


The Commission for Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies of the UIMP is made up of:

Rector of the UIMP

Carlos Andradas

Vice Principal of the UIMP for Postgraduate Studies and Research

Mónica Álvarez de Buergo



Arts and Humanities

Gloria Clavería Nadal, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Isabel Castro PargaUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid

Vicente Larraga Rodríguez de Vera, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Jesús Marco de Lucas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Health Sciences 

Damián García Olmo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Carmelo Vázquez Valverde, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Social Sciences and Law

Rafael Gómez-Ferrer, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Teresa Rabazas Romero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Carmen Herrero Blaco, Universidad de Alicant


The functions of the Commission are as follows:

  • To assess the proposals put forward for Masters' and Doctoral Studies Programs, according to the criteria for quality set down beforehand by the University, while drafting the corresponding report in this regard, which will be put before the Governing Council. In the issuing of the report, positive value will be assigned to the degree of international projection of the Teaching Staff and of the Program.
  • The assessment report will include an analysis of the feasibility and strategic appropriateness of the proposal concerned and its compliance with current regulations. Positive value will be assigned to the academic quality of that same proposal, to which end consideration will be given to the adequacy of the teaching and research, or professional, background of the group of those who will undertake the teaching; to its coherence; to the prior basis of the Study Plan and the interdisciplinarity that it sets out; to the system of coordination and tutorials put forward; and to the monitoring and quality improvement procedures to be employed.
  • To undertake the monitoring of Masters' and Doctoral Studies Programs and to issue a biennial assessment report on their quality.
  • To propose to the Principal the admission to an official Master's or Doctoral Program of students with non-homologated studies from universities abroad, and likewise the homologation of Master's and Doctoral Qualifications from universities abroad.
  • To authorize, where appropriate, the participation of professionals and researchers not belonging to the university teaching staff in these studies.
  • To authorize those modifications to already implemented Study Plans which do not involve a change in the essential character and aims of the Qualification concerned, subject to their being approved as such by the Council of Universities.
  • To ensure the setting up of internal procedures for guaranteeing quality control in each area of study.