During the last two terms of the master program, CEMFI students are required
to write a Master's thesis on a topic of their choice. The Master's thesis is
a piece of original research on a question of interest in economics. The
written thesis should explain the purpose, methods and findings of the
G1 - Demonstrate solid knowledge of economic theory, and the relevant
economic, econometric and computational techniques.
G4 - Critically analyse, assess and summarise new and complex ideas
related to empirical theories and methodologies in the field of economics.
G5 - Design and carry out an advanced academic research project,
formulating reasonable hypotheses in the field of economics.
G6 - Give clear and unambiguous oral presentations of scientific and
technical work on economics to specialised and non-specialised audiences.
G9 - Become part of work groups dedicated to economic research projects.
Specific competences
EI1 - Be aware of the interaction between theoretical models, data and
econometric methods outlined by applied work, analysing different ways to
approach empirical work in micro- and macroeconomics with specific
EI2 - Be aware of some of the current major problems in economic policy,
using economic analysis instruments and debating their applicability to
specific economies.
EI3 - Formulate and develop original research on an economic topic, and
write a final master’s thesis based on this research.
Essay writing.
Class discussion of work submitted by students.
Learning outcomes
- Be aware of the interaction between theoretical models, data and econometric
methods outlined by applied work, analysing different ways to approach
empirical work in micro- and macroeconomics with specific applications.
- Formulate and develop original research on an economic topic, and
write a final master’s thesis based on this research.
This document can be used as reference documentation of this subject for the application for recognition of credits in other study programmes. For its full effect, it should be stamped by UIMP Student's Office.
Document for the application for recognition of credits in other study programmes
Description undefined
Duracion A
ECTS Credits: 20
Arellano González, Manuel Doctor en Economía, London School of Economics
Profesor de Econometría
Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI)
Teacher responsible for the subject
Isaac Peral, 23 - 28040 Madrid | Tel. 91 592 06 00