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Suggestion Box |
Organized in collaboration with ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (through the Executive Management Training ICEX-CECO)
15thth Edition. From October 1st, 2024 to September, 2025
With the objective of filling a new dimension in postgraduate training opportunities, the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (through the Executive Management Training ICEX-CECO) have planned, in an academic alliance, the Master's Degree MBA in International Management.
Globalization affects all sectors of political, economic and social life in Spain and in Europe in general. There is no doubt that the internationalization of economies and businesses is a reality and a necessity. For the majority of companies, internationalization today is a question of survival, as necessary as having an administration department or sufficient technology to manufacture the products the market demands. Modern businesses need to implement a global orientation in their culture and management and not place geographic limits on the commercialization of their products and services, nor on the purchase or supply of their productive inputs.
In a globalized context interdependent on the current situation, business management is complex and unpredictable. As a result, success in business greatly depends on managers' ability to manage the resources the company, institutions and society in general provide them with as efficiently as possible in conditions which are interdependent on the global economy. This demands professionals who are able to face new challenges and who know how to take advantage of business opportunities offered by globalization.
The training offered by the Master's Degree MBA in International Management, although mainly focused on this, also provides criteria and tools for other types of organizational management which operate along with businesses in international contexts.
Julio Cerviño Fernández, Professor of Commercialization and Market Research, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Miguel Ángel Feito Hernández, Trade Specialist and State Economist
Contact E-mail:
Spanish and English
Admission of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the Master's according to the conditions for access and specific requirements for admission to the program with the objective of not surpassing the 300 students established as the course maximum.
ICEX grant program 49th edition.
Period of application: 11 March to 2 April until 2 p.m. Madrid time.
Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria, 378 - Edificio A
28035 Madrid
The Master's Degree MBA in International Management is a postgraduate program which consists of 75 credits which will be completed over 12 months (two academic years).
The first 60 credits (which will be taught and evaluated from October to June: 36 weeks without exceeding the indications in point 4 of Article 4 of Royal Decree 1125/2003 with respect to the length of academic course) correspond to subjects for the Master's which are divided into six major "Academic Modules" and a "Business Internationalization Project" which is supervised, completed as a group and presented in late June.
The 15 remaining credits (which will be completed from July to September) correspond to the End of Master's Project (TFM in Spanish) which will be completed individually under supervision and will be publicly defended in front of a panel during the month of September. Students may not turn in the TFM for panel evaluation under any circumstance if they have not completed all lessons.
The natural continuation of this Master's is for graduates to participate in the ICEX (entity which forms part of the program's Studies Committee) Internationalization Grant Program. The selection process for this grant program begins with admission to the Master's and these grants are awarded only and exclusively to the graduates of this Master's with the best academic transcripts. Thus, graduates will have the opportunity to complete 45 additional credits of remunerated internship with the Economic and Commercial Offices of the Spanish Embassy abroad. The completion of said remunerated internships, which do not form part of the Master's, will be reflected in the European Degree Supplement (as extraordinary credits).
As it is possible to complete this Master's degree part time, this situation will impede students from competing, under equal conditions, with those completing the degree full time if they request to complete a remunerated internship with the ICEX Internationalization Grant Program after completing studies (one of the mandatory requirements of the ICEX Internationalization Grant Program is having achieved an average of 5 points out of 10 in the Master's for the 75 credits of completed lessons from October - September).
AF1.- Master classes: development of theoretical content and the concepts in lessons. A master class is defined as a teaching time mainly dedicated to continuous presentation by the professor. Students will have the opportunity to participate, ask questions or present their opinions, but in general they will listen and take notes.
AF2.- Practical classes: application of theoretical content to the analysis of specific problems which will allow the student to understand and assimilate content. This includes presentations, conferences with directors/professional experts in the area or case study, seminars, debates and agreement on the analysis of the content presented in the theoretical sessions. This will be done through workshops, case studies, solving exercises and problems with active participation from students.
AF3.- Individual and group work: developing theoretical content autonomously (search for information, analysis and register, writing documents and reports, completing questionnaires) and its application to case studies, with individual or group public presentation of conclusions.
AF4.- Tutorials: meetings between students and professors, either individually or in small groups, to direct learning in a personalized way as well as to resolve doubts regarding lesson and project content, preparing presentations and in class participation. This includes online tutorials via the virtual campus.
AF5.- Individual student work: this includes the student's work studying the material, searching for information, analysis and register, writing documents, designing presentations, participating in reading and study groups and preparing for exams. This includes using the virtual campus and the student’s activity there as well as the use of ICT and computer tools, completing diverse tasks such as self-evaluation exercises or participating in forums and consulting the database to obtain bibliography and documentary material.
MD1.- Expositional master class: the professor explains the key and vanguard concepts in the discipline in question.
MD2.- Individual student work: reading, reports, technical notes, self- evaluation questionnaires and searching for additional information.
MD3.- Teaching work - Interactive onsite classes: discussion seminars and workshops.
MD4.- Case studies, problem solving and individual or group practical exercises: resolution, agreement and in-class discussion, through seminars, of practical cases that have been previously selected.
MD5.- Teaching work - Personalized tutorials: individual and group projects and presentations (field work, development and business projects).
MD6.- Management conferences/Professional sector experts/Case study.
MD7.- Teaching work - Interactive online classes: online discussion seminars. Use of new technologies as a means for searching for information and presenting results.
SE1.- Knowledge tests: partial exams
SE2.- Knowledge tests: final exams
SE3.- Evaluation of group work and, if applicable, of an oral presentation
SE4.- Evaluation of individual work and, if applicable, of an oral presentation
SE5.-Evaluation of in-class activities and/or online activities
CG1.- Graduates will know how to apply acquired theoretical and practical knowledge with a high degree of autonomy in both national and international businesses, whether small, medium or with a more multinational dimension, and even in non-business organizations whose management requires an international perspective.
CG2.- Graduates will know how to apply the analytical skills gained in defining and implementing new problems and in looking for solutions both in the national and international business context.
CG3.- Graduates will develop analytical abilities for business management in dynamic and complex environments such as the international environment.
CG4.- Graduates will possess skills for gathering, registering and interpreting macroeconomic data, country information, sector and business information, financial and accounting data, statistic data and research results relevant for systematizing the process of making business decisions.
CG5.- Graduates will possess a set of practical and theoretical knowledge as well as learning skills which will allow those interested to continue carrying out more advanced studies in the field of advanced research or doctorate studies.
CG6.- Graduates will have ample experience and abilities to work in multidisciplinary groups under pressure with regard to time (deadlines for completing projects and cases) and results.
CG7.- Graduates will obtain values and attitudes necessary to establish and carry out business and personal activity within the strictest ethical behavior and social responsibility as well as developing a sensitivity to social and environmental issues.
CG8.- Graduates must express themselves correctly, in both oral and written forms, maintaining an appropriate image in their professional activity.
CG9.- Graduates must master the basic tools of information and communication technology for their professional work and for learning.
CE1.- Understand concepts, theories and instruments for analyzing and developing plans for business internationalization.
CE2.- Ability to select and apply the appropriate procedure to obtain a business objective.
CE3.- Evaluate the existing relationship between companies and the institutional framework in which activities are carried out.
CE4.- Develop the analytical abilities which allow students to understand the nature of organizational problems and thus the application of ideal tools.
CE5.- Leadership ability in the design process of international strategy.
CE6.- Ability to work as a team focusing on the precision of results, solvency and the originality of propositions.
CE7.- Manage digital platforms, technological, audiovisual and computer resources to search for information and effective communication in business projects.
CE8.- Manage software and statistics programs to register and analyze data.
CE9.- Analyze the results of market and competition research to propose strategic plans and operational actions.
CE10.- Acquire the techniques of professional writing for documents and the presentation of reports in the field of international business.
CE11.- Knowledge of the structure and functioning of support bodies and institutions for business internationalization.
CE12.- Knowledge of the main legal and fiscal aspects that directly or indirectly affect the business internationalization process.
CE14.- Ability to manage a business internationalization project and assume managerial responsibilities.
CE15.- Ability to lead and develop business negotiation processes.
CE16.- Knowledge of different methodologies and technical, economic and legal characteristics of international competitions held by multilateral bodies and by public institutions and companies in different countries.
CE17.- Understanding of internal processes, interdepartmental relations and different roles of organizations in supply companies and in acquiring bodies and companies and their incidence in international contract negotiation.
CE18.- Learn to evaluate company risk when carrying out complex international projects, as well as become familiar with some essential aspects which determine the success or failure of these projects.
The Master's Degree MBA in International Management is especially geared towards those possessing a higher-level degree who demonstrate training and vocation towards the development of their professional career in the aspects related to business internationalization and international trade or to the management of international businesses.
The Master's will develop knowledge and skills in advanced international business management fields which will allow graduating students to be able to assume responsibilities in the field of business management with international vocation.
The main objectives are:
To train professionals able to lead the internationalization process for companies and organizations (both private and public), designing, implementing and directing the process of opening new markets.
To train professionals with ample knowledge about the environments in which companies operate, about international economics, the institutional framework and standards and agreements, as well as providing a clear understanding of the economic interdependency processes which apply to markets and sectors and which affect the definition and efficacy of business policies.
To offer complementary professional practical training in foreign countries to obtain "in-situ" experience with the opportunities and problems which are present in different international markets and the real needs of companies which want to enter them.
Access with an official university degree from Spain or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Admission to the Master's Degree in International Business Management requires an official university degree from Spain or another higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the EHEA which grants access to study a Master's Degree in the country of origin.
Access with a university degree from outside the EHEA: Students with degrees from education systems outside the EHEA can be accepted without requiring official recognition of their degrees by accrediting that the level of studies is the equivalent to that of official university degrees in Spain and that the degree allows access to postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
Access for these students depends on a favorable decision from the Rector. The decision by the Rector will never imply official recognition of the degree the student possesses nor its recognition for purposes other than to study the Master's Degree.
Admission to this Master's requires a rigorous selection process. ICEX annual holds a public call where the selection process and candidate requirements are described.
ICEX grant program 49th edition.
Period of application: 11 March to 2 April until 2 p.m. Madrid time.
Universal accessibility will be guaranteed and the necessary resources and support will be monitored for those students with disabilities in order to assure the correct completion of the Master's. We ask that these students indicate their specific needs when enrolling.
In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs.
This test consists of a series of exercises testing numerical skills, logic capacity and verbal understanding of Spanish. Minimum score required: 50 / 100.
The knowledge of Spanish and an advanced knowledge of English equivalent to the B2 level of the Framework for Reference of Languages is an indispensable requirement for admission to the program. This feature is valued from highest to lowest level (C2 to B2) and from the certificates provided by the candidates.
Candidates for the Master's must demonstrate training and vocation towards the development of their professional career in the aspects related to business internationalization and international trade or to the management of international businesses. This feature is valued in the interviews phase.
The Academic Committee will also take into consideration the completion of associated degrees or other specialization courses that add value to the candidate's profile. This feature is valued in the interviews phase.
Knowledge of other foreign languages.
Candidate's CV.
Other postgraduate studies.
Computer and Internet user knowledge.
Aptitude testing: 30%
An advanced knowledge of English equivalent to the B2 level of the Framework for Reference of Languages. This feature is valued from highest to lowest level (C2 to B2): 40%
Interview (Professional motivation for internationalization; Academic excellence and degree granting access and other criteria): 30%
Once the interview is complete, the list with the candidates who have obtained the best scores in the selection process will be published according to the weights listed above which will be accompanied by a list of alternates. Candidates will have two days to accept or reject participation in the Master's Degree MBA in International Management.
Students, once completing admission tests and enrolling in the Master's, will receive information including everything related to the teaching program via email. This information will be sent via email and will also be available on the CECO web site in the student area in the ICEX-CECO Virtual Classroom. This information refers to the start of classes, lessons and schedules, the institutional structure of CECO and ICEX, the faculty, administration staff as well as information about the support and technical staff (human resources, computer technicians, etc.) and complementary and basic services (library, parking, computer labs, cafeteria/vending, etc.)
Additionally, students will receive the Student Guide prior to beginning classes which includes detailed teaching and academic aspects and the internal standards for the program.
To complement this information, the course will begin with an inaugural welcome session - inauguration for the Master's in which there will be a formal presentation of the general program and the institutions, with representatives from CECO, the UIMP and ICEX as well as a more detailed presentation of the teaching program presented by the academic directors. Later, the direction from ICEX-CECO will give a more detailed individualized presentation from group to group about the entire program and the structure and functioning of ICEX-CECO in order to resolve any individual doubts new students may have with regard to both the academic and institutional environments.
Students may make a personal appointment with the coordination and direction for the Master's via the account, indicating the nature of the appointment. The times and days for student services will be published on the announcement board at the student entrance.
Additionally, support staff for this program will permanently cater to any student consult in the secretary office in the student and faculty reception which will be solved immediately or passed to the Master's administration.
Students will choose two representatives per group with whom academic directors will meet at least once per trimester to monitor the course. Additionally, these representatives can request extraordinary meetings with academic directors if needed.
Regardless of the means of personal attention, students may use the email account to make any petition or consult both from Master's directors and ICEX-CECO directors.
Other specific email addresses: General account for communication regarding the Master's Account for justifying absences or punctuality. Account for communication with the technical-pedagogical coordinator for online training and consults about the virtual campus
Announcement boards: Two boards are found in the student entrance:
The ICEX-CECO announcement board which will post topics of general interest for students such as grades, notices, extra-curricular activities, etc.
Information board among STUDENTS. The announcement board inside the classroom is exclusively for information about ICEX-CECO.
Julio Cerviño Fernández. Professor of Commercialization and Market Research, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Miguel Ángel Feito Hernández, Trade Specialist and State Economist
Contact email:
More than one hundred professors and lecturers belonging to different universities, public and private institutions from Spain and abroad participate in the program.
Students will find the CVs for the entire faculty for the Master's on the ICEX-CECO Virtual Classroom.
The professors coordinating each lesson are listed below.
Montserrat Hinarejos Rojo. Professor at the Department of Economic Statistics and Structure at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
Carlos Poza Lara. Professor. Universidad Antonio Nebrija
Eva María Llorente González. Agricultural engineer. Vocal advisor of Dirección General de Comercio Internacional e Inversiones
Gustavo Emilio Mata Fernández-Balbuena. PhD in Industrial Engineering. Organization Strategy and Analysis Consultant
Emiliano Mata Verdejo. PhD Applied economics
María Luisa Poncela García. Trade Specialist and State Economist
Mariano Gómez Agüero. Industrial Engineer. Independent Consultant for Corporate Finance and Raising Finance
Ana Pinto Fernández. Technician at the Spanish Office for Climate Change, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Alicia Rodríguez Márquez. PhD in Business Management, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Carlos Enrile D´Outreligne. Director and Consultant of Computer Contact Consultoría y Formación
Pedro Palencia Alacid. Director of Ventury
Sandra Tobalina Saiz, Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Alfonso Pedro Fernández del Hoyo. Professor at the Department of Marketing at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas-ICADE
Enrique Luque Albarracín. Expert Consultant in Chains and Internationalization
Iban Díez López. Gómez Acebo & Pombo Law Firm
Raúl Peralba Fortuny. President of Positioning Systems
Julio Cerviño Fernández. Professor of Commercialization and Market Research at Universidad Carlos III, Madrid
Jesús Arteaga Ortiz. Professor of Economics and Business Management and Administration
Miguel Llopis Franco. Business director of Synergic Partners
María Rodríguez de la Rúa. Information and corporate director, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones
M.ª Teresa Seco Benedicto. Associate Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Miguel Morán Serrano. Director, Comercio Internacional-Asesoramiento y Estudios
Eduardo Oliveira de Miguel. Financial Director of Grupo H OIL
Jorge Martos Rubio. Consultant for International Trade
Begoña Albizu Soriano. International Projects Director at A.V.U. Consultores – ALBIZU, VIDAL y URÍA
Javier Sanz Arlegui. Strategic Consultant for International Trade
Natalia Velasco Gatón: Administrator and associate at NVG Asesoría Internacional S.L.
Margarita Enríquez Hochreiter. Collaborating Professor at CECO
Luis Morros Cámara. Tempos Iuris Law Firm Associate.
Álvaro de la Cueva González-Cotera. Main Associate. J&A Garrigues SLP
Iban Díez López. Abogado Asociado Senior 3 en Propiedad Industrial de Gómez-Acebo & Pombo
Ángel García García. Professor at ESCP Europe Business School
Raquel Paredes Gómez. Professor of Public Tax and Fiscal Systems at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Milagros de Torres Fernández. Professor at Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio
Brendan Anglin. MA in European Integration, UL, Ireland
Ceferino Isaac Arribas Rodrigo. Comercial finance and Operations Director, Indar Electric
Arturo Gómez Quijano. Associate Professor at the Information Sciences Department. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Jesús Centenera Ulecia. Director of Agerón Internacional, SL
Olegario Llamazares García-Lomas. Director of Global Marketing Strategies
Jesús Centenera Ulecia. Director of Agerón Internacional, SL
The course begins on October 1, 2020 and ends on September 30, 2021 when the End of Master's Projects are read in front of a panel.
The schedules listed below do not imply that other classes cannot be scheduled at different times throughout the course as necessary in order to complete students' training.
Morning groups: Monday through Friday 09:30am to 2:45pm.
Group A: Room 1.2 - 1st floor
Group B: Room 2.1 - 2nd floor
Group C: Room 2.2 - 2nd floor
Group D: Room 2.2 - 2nd floor
Afternoon groups: Monday through Friday 4:00pm to 9:15pm
Group E: Room 1.2 - 1st floor
Group F: Room 2.2 - 2nd floor
Group D: Room 2.2 - 2nd floor
ICEX-CECO is located within the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales complex on Avenida del Cardenal Herrera Oria 378, in Building A. After receiving accreditation, students can access classrooms through the northern door of the building where the ICEX-CECO Students Secretary is located.
The general schedule of opening hours for the building is Monday through Friday from 9am to 8pm, during which time both pedestrian and vehicle access to the building (Calle Navaluenga, Calle Fresnedillas and Avda. del Cardenal Herrera Oria) will be open. After 8pm all access will be closed except the main entrance at Avda. del Cardenal Herrera Oria 378 (both for pedestrians and vehicles).
As a general rule, students cannot park inside the building grounds.
Accreditation: Students will receive personal and non-transferrable accreditation which will allow them to identify themselves in order to access the grounds. They must keep this visible while in the center. If they do not have this accreditation, security services may deny access. Additionally, students will have a table identifier which must remain visible during classes.
In general, evaluation will be done continuously through quizzes or exams for the different lessons and through the completion of the Internationalization Project (7 ECTS credits) and the End of Master's Project (15 ECTS credits) which will be defended in front of a panel comprised of at least three professors at the end of the course.
Students have up to four calls to pass each subject, two per academic year enrolled with the current curriculum, counting among the four both qualified calls and those not evaluated. Without prejudice to the maximum number of calls, to guarantee a minimum academic performance, and a reasonable use, students will have to exceed a minimum of 50% of the ECTS enrolled each academic year. If they do not reach this percentage, they will not be able to renew their enrollment to continue their studies at the UIMP.
Upon completing and passing the course, students enrolled in the Master's program will receive the Master's Degree MBA in International Management from the Rector of the UIMP.
Turning in the Internationalization Project and management summary: June 10, 2024
Presenting Internationalization Projects: June 18 and 21, 2024
Turning in the project for the first opportunity: September 1, 2024
Defense in front of a panel for the first opportunity: September 12, 13 and 16, 2024
Turning in the project for the second opportunity: November 25, 2022
Defense in front of a panel for the second opportunity: December 10, 11 and 12, 2024