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Organized in collaboration with the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón
11th Edition. From October 2024 to May 2025.
The Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón (FOM) have planned the program for the Master's Degree in Senior Public Management through an academic alliance.
This Master's originates from and is based on the Master's Degree in Senior Public Management (degree from the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset) which was offered for 23 editions.
Any country which wishes to progress requires political leadership. However, it is also true that it needs efficient and impartial administration which requires competent and honest functioning. Even more so, it is essential that these two spheres combine for political ideals to become realities which offer wellbeing for citizens, without losing freedom. This is only possible if an intermediary instrument is introduced which allows both types of agents -politicians and public employees- to work in the same direction.
This instrument is professionalized managerial function. This requires the presence of professional public managers who form the grease to allow communication between the political and administrative spheres, transmit political decisions in language employees can understand and present the administration’s opinions to politicians in a way they can understand and share, if need be. Without them, the clash of values and priorities would be inevitable; instead, thanks to them, the work of both types of roles -politician and administrator- can reach synergy and positive results for the community.
The Master's Degree in Senior Public Management is designed in order to provide training for the policy-applied action of public managers. The content in the academic plan aims to strengthen values, knowledge and skills for students to efficiently act in:
Management in the public sector, especially in the fields of public policy, human resources, budgeting and economic-financial management.
The adoption of decisions and problem solving in the processes of forming, implementing and evaluating policies and public programs.
Strategic planning, organizational design and public marketing. This program is adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and its course loads is measured in ECTS credits, which is the standard used by all universities in the EHEA to guarantee homogeneity and quality in university studies.
Regular Pre-Enrolment Period: March 11 to May 30, 2024 (until 23:59 Madrid time).
Special Pre-Enrolment Period: July 15th to September 10th, 2024 (until 23:59 Madrid time).
A special enrolment period will be opened to fill slots that may have remained vacant after the regular enrolment period.
Enquiries regarding the pre-enrolment process should be addressed to:
Regular Enrolment Period: From June 25, 2024, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notification of admission.
Special Enrolment Period: Within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notification of admission.
Second year students and those with pending credits: from September, after the previous course records are closed. The student secretariat will inform those students who are going to take their Master’s second course and hose with pending credits of the specific dates for enrolment.
Submission of documentation: from the time of enrolment until the first two weeks of the course.
Credit recognition application: from the time of enrolment until the first two weeks of the course.
Enrolment cancellation:
Period with return of tuition fees (up to 50% of the tuition fees total): Cancellation of enrollment within the first 10 days of the course will have academic and economic effects.
Period with no return of the tuition fees: after the 10th day of the course, cancellation of enrollment will only have academic effects.
Enquiries regarding the enrolment process should be addressed to:
Additional information can be found at this link
Manuel Villoria Mendieta
Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Isabel Bazaga Fernández
Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Contact e-mail:
Admission of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the Master's according to the conditions for access and specific requirements for admission to the program with the objective of not surpassing the 40 spaces established as the course maximum for the classroom learning program.
The distance learning program which will be taught via the José Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañón Foundation Virtual Campus.
Information: Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón
Fortuny, 53. 28010 Madrid. Tel.: (34) 91 700 41 49 / 68
The Master's Degree lasts one academic year (60 ECTS credits):
51 credits correspond to mandatory courses.
9 credits correspond to completing the End of Master's Project.
Consult the Student Guide for the distance learning program.
Upon finishing the program, students will have acquired the following skills:
Systematic analysis, paying special attention to the interdependencies of the environment (impact of transformations in the global environment of public administration).
Analysis and comprehension of factors for change and resistance to change in the national public sector.
Efficient use of knowledge and program planning techniques, polities and direction for objectives in contexts open to the participation of plural agents.
Apply a focus of strategic thought to administrative activity in complex contexts.
Direction and leadership in public organizations.
Definition of structures, organizational design, management and quality measurement in public service.
Analysis and management in public policy: instruments for analysis, design, making decisions and evaluating policies and programs.
Analyzing and understanding research design and qualitative and quantitative research techniques which are appropriate for making decisions.
Using and understanding techniques and instruments for intergovernmental management.
Analyzing and interpreting macro and microeconomic data and making efficient decisions.
Knowing and managing the budgeting system and efficient budgeting and financial decision making.
Working in the framework of the economic, financial and accounting control system in the public sector and directing public procurement programs.
Designing ethical infrastructure instruments in public organizations.
Designing and efficiently using a system for strategic management of human resources and managing employees.
Analysis of organizational culture and design of management instruments for the impact of organizational culture in procedures.
Design of processes, policies and programs focusing on the impact of the legal-institutional framework of public organizations (legal constraints in the exercise of public powers).
Public communications of governmental objectives and results for defining a public marketing plan and a system of public prices and benefits.
Understanding and use of new technologies for information and communication for efficient management and for an improvement in democratic quality.
Developing managerial skills and abilities, especially the development of emotional intelligence, negotiation and stress management.
Transfer knowledge, abilities and attitudes gained in the course to a project on improving management which adds value to the corresponding public sector.
AF1.- Theoretical classes
AF2.- Analyzing practical cases and/or solving problems
AF3.- Reading of recommended scientific texts
AF4.- Self-evaluation of tasks (feedback)
AF5.- Self-evaluation of knowledge (multiple-choice tests)
AF6.- Group projects
AF7.- Individual projects
AF8.- Debates and/or brainstorming
AF9.- Tutorial sessions
AF10.- Preparation for theoretical classes
AF11.- Preparation of practical cases
AF12.- Project on teaching units
MD1.- Master classes
MD2.- Solving practical exercises
MD3.- Communicating experience
MD4.- Working with scientific texts (commenting on texts)
MD5.- Individual and group work
MD6.- Distance learning. Individual work on the didactic units
MD7.- Methodologies for synchronous and asynchronous work, tutorials via email or in person. Additionally, activation of forums on the virtual classroom in which students can share their personal contributions with the rest of the group about readings and debate related topics and discuss observations, comments or questions
SE1.- Commenting on reading
SE2.- Analyzing practical cases and/or solving problems
SE3.- Knowledge tests, written questions related to concepts, topics or short questions and written tests which are multiple choice or single answer.
SE4.- Group work onsite or via the virtual classroom
SE5.- Individual work onsite or via the virtual classroom
SE6.- Evaluating participation on forums and in debates
SE7.- Defense of the End of Master's Project before the Academic Committee
Administrative reform and modernization is only an element in the large group of challenges facing the State; we are aware that reforms in administration will never meet all of their goals if they are not accompanied by legislation reforms of an independent, impartial and agile judicial power and political leadership which thinks institutionally and is honest and strategic.
In any case, although administration itself cannot respond to social problems, numerous studies attest that without it, it is impossible to meet the collective objectives that today make up the common goals for a majority of citizens: sustainable development, freedom, political equality and quality of life.
It is thus true that any country which wishes to progress requires political leadership. However, it is also true that it needs efficient and impartial administration which requires competent and honest functioning. Even more so, it is essential that these two spheres combine for political ideals to become realities which offer wellbeing for citizens, without losing freedom. This is only possible if an intermediary instrument is introduced which allows both types of agents -politicians and public employees- to work in the same direction. This instrument is professionalized managerial function. This requires the presence of professional public managers who form the grease to allow communication between the political and administrative spheres, transmit political decisions in language employees can understand and present the administration's opinions to politicians in a way they can understand and share, if need be. Without them, the clash between values and priorities will be inevitable. Thanks to them, the work of both levels of roles -political and administrative- can achieve synergy and positive results for the community.
This being said, by public managers we understand those who, in the public sector, complete functions of special relevance for organization including participating in the establishment and evaluation of strategic objectives, design, planning and project management, directing employees and managing resources, and responsibly and autonomously participating in the forming of public policy.
These public managers are the reference for which the skills we deem necessary have been designed to transmit to our students. To do so, if we understand knowledge as abilities, the abilities and attitudes that people must possess to successfully fill a position, the skills that managers must have according to numerous comparative studies, are basically found in the areas of:
Strategic view.
Organization and planning.
Managing human resources.
Developing policies and programs as well as controlling and evaluating them.
Managing and planning economic, technological and financial resources.
Organization relations and representation.
Ethical leadership.
All of this must been done in a context unique to the public sector which differentiates the exercise of abilities from those unique to management in the private sector, thus we can highlight the following as distinguishing characteristics of public management in contrast to the public sector:
Major political influence.
Quasi-legislative and quasi-legal abilities.
The major expectations of equity, equal treatment and transparency.
The major ambiguity and contradiction of objectives; major restrictions in decision making -inside and outside- for public managers.
A greater difficulty in connecting incentives to performance.
A system of values related to slightly different work.
The Master's in Senior Public Management, which is considerably directed to professionals, is aimed towards members of the public sector who are completing managerial activity. This includes people with career paths in management (pre-managers) with a minimum of 5 years of experience working in positions belonging to group A of Spanish public employees or analogous positions (senior management contracts or higher positions with managerial tasks). For foreign employees, group A will be analogous with the category and level of responsibility in their corresponding country.
CG1.- Systematic understanding of acquired knowledge which allows them to solve problems in unfamiliar and wide contexts.
CG2.- Ability to integrate knowledge and form reasoned judgements, even based on incomplete or limited information.
CG3.- Forming opinions and reflections which are considered social and ethical responsibilities.
CG4.- Ability to communicate conclusions and supported reasoning for publics which are both specialized and non-specialized in the subject matter.
CG5.- Acquire learning skills which favor obtaining knew knowledge in professional work.
CT1.- Ability to analyze and synthesize.
CT2.- Ability to plan and organize.
CT3.- Knowledge of oral and written communication techniques.
CT4.- Ability to manage information.
CT5.- Problem solving.
CT6.- Ability to criticize and self-criticize.
CT7.- Multidisciplinary group work.
CT8.- Ethical commitment to public service.
CT9.- Using information and communication technology.
CE1.- Ability for systematic analysis, paying special attention to the interdependencies of the environment (impact of transformations in the global environment of public administration).
CE2.- Ability for analysis and comprehension of factors for change and resistance to change in the national public sector.
CE3.- Ability for efficient use of knowledge and program planning techniques, policies and direction for objectives in contexts open to the participation of plural agents.
CE4.- Ability to apply a strategic thought focus to administrative activity in complex contexts.
CE5.- Ability to direct and lead in public organizations.
CE6.- Ability to complete organizational analysis and design organizational structures.
CE7.- Ability to analyze public policy: essential analytical instruments to help design, decision-making and evaluation policies and programs.
CE8.- Ability to analyze and understand research designs and qualitative and quantitative research techniques which are appropriate for making decisions.
CE9.- Ability to use and understand techniques and instruments for intergovernmental management.
CE10.- Ability to understand the bases for public economics and apply them in a way that facilitates efficient decision-making.
CE11.- Ability to know and manage the budgeting system and efficient budgeting and financial decision making.
CE12.- Familiarization with the general functioning of the budgeting and economic financial control system and ability to efficiently work in its framework.
CE13.- Ability to design ethical infrastructure instruments in public organizations.
CE14.- Ability to design and efficiently use a system for strategic management of human resources and manage employees.
CE15.- Ability to analyze organizational culture and design of management instruments for the impact of organizational culture in procedures.
CE16.- Ability to design processes, policies and programs focusing on the impact of the legal-institutional framework of public organizations (legal constraints in the exercise of public powers).
CE17.- Ability to publicly communicate governmental objectives and results for defining a public marketing plan and a system of public prices and benefits.
CE18.- Ability to understand and use new technologies for information and communication for efficient management and for an improvement in democratic quality.
CE19.- Ability to transfer knowledge, abilities and attitudes gained in the course to a project on improving management which adds value to the corresponding public sector.
CE20.- Ability to successfully complete internal and external negotiations.
CE21.- Ability to understand the role of emotions and feelings in decision process and to facilitate the management of said emotions in an intelligent way which is not detrimental to one's health.
CE22.- Ability to become completely familiar with the bases for management and to manage evaluation tools in the public sector.
The required profile for applicants for the Master's Degree in Senior Public Management is students with an official university degree with a minimum of 5 years' professional experience in tasks belonging to Group A of public employees or analogous professional experience (contracts in senior management or higher management positions) who wish to receive training for policy-applied action.
For foreign employees, group A will be analogous with the category and level of responsibility in their corresponding country.
Graduates of this Master's degree will acquire the necessary skills to be able to work professionally in the field of management.
By public managers we understand those who, in the public sector, complete functions of special relevance for organization which include participating in the establishment and evaluation of strategic objectives, design, planning and project management, directing employees and managing resources, and responsibly and autonomously participating in the forming of public policy.
Based on this reference, the skills students should obtain from the training design of the Master's are primarily managerial skills for public organizations and high-responsibility participation in forming, making decisions and implementing public policies and programs.
Access with an official university degree from Spain or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Admission to the Master's Degree in Senior Public Management requires an official university degree from Spain or another higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the EHEA which grants access to study a Master's Degree in the country of origin.
Access with a university degree from outside the EHEA: Students with degrees from education systems outside the EHEA can be accepted without requiring official recognition of their degrees by accrediting that the level of studies is the equivalent to that of official university degrees in Spain and that the degree allows access to postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
Access for these students depends on a favorable decision from the Rector. The decision by the Rector will never imply official recognition of the degree the student possesses nor its recognition for purposes other than to study the Master's Degree.
It is mandatory to have a minimum of 5 years' professional experience in tasks belonging to Group A of public employees or analogous professional experience (contracts in senior management or higher management positions). For foreign employees, group A will be analogous with the category and level of responsibility in their corresponding country.
Pre-enrolment should be carried out at Fundación José Ortega y Gasset y Gregorio Marañón, via email:
You can find more information on this link.
Universal accessibility will be guaranteed and the necessary resources and support will be monitored for those students with disabilities in order to assure the correct completion of the Master's. We ask that these students indicate their specific needs when enrolling.
In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs.
The following will be considered in the admission process:
Professional experience in managerial (priority) or pre-managerial (second option) positions in public administration (50%).
Other professional merits (participation in conferences, publications, membership in commissions, etc.) (30%).
Academic degree granting access and average grade on academic transcript (priority for graduates/licenciados in social and legal sciences) (20%).
Motivational letter about the reason for choosing the program.
The selection process will consist of the following stages:
Receiving applications from candidates and analysis of merits. Selecting students who meet the minimum requirements will be mainly based on professional experience.
Personal interview. Applicants are required to submit a letter of motivation in order to justify the reasons that they wish to enroll in the program. The interview will be completed based on this letter and the alleged merits of the applicant.
In the first stage, candidates who meet the minimum requirements will be preselected according to the following criteria for evaluation of merits (50 points maximum):
At least 5 years of previous professional experience working in positions with managerial (priority) or pre-managerial (second option) responsibilities in public administrations: especially work in management jobs or responsibility for programs, policies or services in the public sector (up to 25 points - 50%)
Other professional merits (participation in conferences, publications, membership in commissions, etc.) (Up to 15 points - 30%)
Academic training and profile suitability for the Master's (graduates/licenciados in social and legal sciences) (up to 10 points - 20%)
The personal interview will be completed in the second stage.
The Academic Committee for the Master's will be in charge of examining and evaluating admission applications and approving the accepted candidates according to the previously mentioned criteria. The Academic Committee will publish a list of accepted students each academic course on the UIMP website.
Once enrolled, students will get their main support and guidance from members of the administration for the program (Coordinator and administration staff) through the virtual campus and email, providing them with personalized monitoring.
In the first days of the master's degree, before the beginning of the teaching activity, the students have available a Module 0 of learning to use the Virtual Campus. Through an explanatory video and several simple exercises, students will get in touch with the Virtual Campus tools. These exercises also serve for students to begin to know each other despite the distance that virtuality implies. They also have a video about the work methodology that will be developed during the master, delivery times, an informative breakthrough on the TFM, and other questions of interest on the operation of the master.
Learning in the distance program will be based on lesson by lesson integration of the following materials and data on the Internet platform.
First, the lesson will be presented both in writing and through a video in which each professor will present themselves and their lesson. A guide for the lesson and the teaching program will be included in the presentation tab. The guide for the lesson must include identification of the lesson as well as an initial presentation; the skills to obtain; the content with a detailed description; training activities with the reading, practical exercises, forums, practical cases, etc.; the work time required for different activities; the methodology and general work plan; the evaluation methods; the resources and teaching materials to use with the bibliography; and the professor's profile.
The teaching program is a document which provides details about the weekly working plan, tutorials and resources. This program will define the topic to be studied each week, with a self-evaluation exercise for students to complete, tutoring schedules, assignments, debates or forums which will be opened that week.
In addition to presentations, the platform will include a tab for the CV data of the faculty, another dedicated to evaluation and one where the teaching units with their corresponding PDF, the practical cases, the assignments to complete and their method of completion, forums that will be opened (with their topics and dates to complete) will all be uploaded.
Each student will have a tutor who will guide them in the process of completing the curricular activities and a professor who will correct their work and give them feedback about their learning process. It will be necessary to have an onsite meeting with the professor and tutor for the End of Master's Project at the beginning of the course to determine the topic, research question, focuses and bibliography.
Each student will have a tutor for monitoring during the Master's, additionally each professor must complete weekly monitoring of students in addition to evaluating work and exams and guiding forums and debates.
Manuel Villoria Mendieta, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Isabel Bazaga Fernández, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Isabel Bazaga Fernández, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Contact e-mail:
The faculty for the Master's consists of professors from universities, academic institutions, and reference research centers.
Isabel Bazaga Fernández, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
José María Alonso Julián, General Director of Planning and Human Resources, UNISONO Soluciones de Negocio
Alberto Palomar Olmeda, Judge in the Administrative Chamber, Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid
Manuel Tamayo Sáez, Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Jesús Ruiz-Huerta Carbonell, Chair of Applied Economics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
Manuel Villoria Mendieta, Chair of Political Science and Administration, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
María Teresa Palomo Vadillo, ESIC Business & Marketing School
Juan Ignacio Criado Grande, Professor of Political Science, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Anjuli Guillermina Romero Melo, Program Coordinator, Fundación Ortega-Marañón
The master has two editions per course:
The first edition begins in October, 2024, ending the training activities in May, 2025. In June 2025 the first call for the presentation and defense of the Final Works will be held, opening a second call during the month of September 2025.
Evaluation will be continuous and will be done through theoretical and practical exams as well as in-Virtual Campus participation.
The studies for the Master's degree will conclude with the writing and public defense of an End of Master's Project. Evaluation will be done by a panel of at least three professors or researchers assigned by the Academic Committee for studies.
Students have up to four calls to pass each subject, two per academic year enrolled with the current curriculum, counting among the four both qualified calls and those not evaluated. Without prejudice to the maximum number of calls, to guarantee a minimum academic performance, and a reasonable use, students will have to exceed a minimum of 50% of the ECTS enrolled each academic year. If they do not reach this percentage, they will not be able to renew their enrollment to continue their studies at the UIMP.
Upon completing and passing the course, students enrolled in the Master's program will receive the Master's Degree in Senior Public Management from the Rector of the UIMP.