Official documentation of the program |
Suggestion Box |
Organized in collaboration with and sponsored by the CSIC
15th Edition. From October, 2021 to June, 2022
The Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) have planned, through an academic alliance, the program for the Official High Specialization Master's Degree in Plastics and Rubber.
The following companies and associations collaborate in carrying out this Master's:
PlasticsEurope (Association of Plastic Materials Manufacturers)
Dow Chemical Ibérica S.L.
Upon completing the program students will have:
Advanced knowledge about the science and technology of polymeric materials.
A solid training which will allow them to direct their professional career towards the industrial, academic or research sectors.
Theoretical and practical training as well as real contact with industries in the sector and research laboratories.
The ability to take on different problems which may arise in their professional lives. This includes learning both modern methods (using databases, computer-based design, molecular simulation) and classic processes (organoleptic analysis, conventional technology).
The ability to use characterization and testing techniques: classic (density, hardness), established instruments (differential scanning calorimetry, spectroscopy, exclusion chromatography) or the most advanced (environmental scanning or atomic force electronic microscopy).
The conditions necessary to access the third stage of studies, incorporating a line of research to develop the doctoral thesis.
All of the Official Postgraduate Programs offered by the UMIP and the CSIC are adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and their course loads are measured in ECTS credits, which is the standard used by all universities in the EHEA to guarantee homogeneity and quality in university studies.
Regular Pre-Enrolment Period: march 03 to june 8, 2023 (until 12:00 Madrid time)
Enquiries regarding the pre-enrolment process should be addressed to:
Regular Enrolment Period: From June 27, 2023, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notification of admission.
Submission of documentation: from the time of enrolment until the first two weeks of the course.
Enquiries regarding the enrolment process should be addressed to:
Additional information can be found at this link
Alberto Gallardo Ruiz
Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Rodrigo Navarro Crespo
Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Contact email:
Admission of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the Master's according to the conditions for access and specific requirements for admission to the program with the objective of not surpassing the 20 spaces established as the course maximum.
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros (Institute of Polymer Science and Technology)
C/ Juan de la Cierva, 3
28006 Madrid
Classes will take place Monday through Friday from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The practical lessons may occasionally take place from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The Master's Degree lasts one academic year (60 ECTS credits): 600 classroom hours, 900 additional hours of individual work: classroom (more than 300), practical lessons (92), in addition to conferences, seminars, visits to companies and the Master's Final Project (See section in the Syllabus).
Laboratory Practice: Institute of Polymer Science and Technology CSIC, Repsol, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (located in Madrid) and in the Taller de Inyección de Plásticos-TIIP (Plastics Injection Workshop) in Zaragoza. The practical content is as follows:
Experimental practice in the laboratory.
Virtual practice with simulation programs.
AF1.- Specialized distinguished conferences given by experts in the field.
AF2.- Practical visits to companies to get an "in situ" look at technology directly related to the subjects studied in the Master's Degree.
AF3.- Seminars to compliment practical aspects.
AF4.- Completing an End of Master's Project in the form of a standard international publication. Personalized tutorials.
AF5.- Creating a poster of the results of the End of Master's Project for each student, in the form of a mini-conference. Projects will be presented in CSIS panels.
AF6.- Study of the theoretical content of the subjects. Students will have access to information via the virtual classroom, reference books and resources available from the CSIS in electronic format and in the library.
AF7.- Study of the practical content of the subjects. This will be done using information available to the student via the virtual classroom and in the practical lessons books.
AF8.- Attending and participating in theoretical classes.
AF9.- Attending and completing practical exercises in CSIC laboratories and other entities and companies which participate in the Master's.
AF10.- Completing on-site experimental or bibliographical work in laboratories which corresponds to the End of Master's Project.
AF11.- Evaluation
MD1.- Discussion after conferences and seminars with the objective of improving practical teaching.
MD2.- Completing practical work in laboratories with a previous guide which allows better monitoring and understanding.
MD3.- Resolving practical cases of industrial interest with characterization techniques and polymer studies to complement studies.
MD4.- General and specific explanations will be given at all company visits about the type of industry and the manufactured product. This will be done at the beginning and continue throughout the entire visit. Students will ask concrete questions about what they are seeing.
MD5.- Tutoring and supervision for the completion of the End of Master's Project will be done by one or two professors from the Master's.
MD6.- Tutoring and teaching the informative Report and Poster about the results obtained in the End of Master's Project.
SE1.- Completing exams for each lesson.
SE2.- In some lessons a specific problem will be given to be solved (which can be done as a group) and turned in by a specific date to be graded and discussed.
SE3.- Evaluating the End of Master's Project presenting the results in the form of a poster. A poster exhibition will be held over the 3-4 days prior to the public defense.
SE4.- Evaluating the End of Master's Project public defense by a panel including three members belonging to the Institute of Polymer Science and Technology. Specifically, the Director of the Institute, the Academic Director for the Master's and the Activities Coordinator for the Master's or researchers from the Institute who are delegated.
The vast development and importance of the plastics industry in Spain (which comprises about 40% of the national chemical industry and 2.5% of the GDP) justifies the need for highly-skilled professionals in this field. The national industry needs a Master's Degree which, on one hand, provides adequate training in the disciplines related to the science and technology of polymer materials and on the other hand achieves:
Training highly-qualified specialists in the science and technology of polymer materials which leads to obtaining highly-specialized professionals in this field.
Obtaining professionals with solid knowledge of the basic processes which allow an efficient transfer of technology in the industrial sector to assure a future in which an industry based on resources can transform into an industry based on knowledge.
Training experts who can improve competition in the Spanish and international plastic materials industries. This is vitally important today, keeping in mind that one of the major problems in the industrial structure is the loss of competition resulting from relocation problems. Thus, by providing a clear added value to existing materials and processes we can continue solidly developing the promising sector.
The academic and scientific relevance of the High Specialization Master's Degree in Plastics and Rubber is based on the ability to provide university graduates with fundamental and specific knowledge as well as skills which allow them to begin work in the field of applied research in lines coming from the areas of science and physical technologies, chemistry and new materials which are relevant to knowledge development.
Its professional relevance is based on the ability to provide university graduates with knowledge and skills which will allow them to begin a professional career in different specialties in the areas of technological development, management and the market, both in industrial and institutional sectors and in a complex and dynamic professional environment.
CG1.- Provide students with specialized training in the scientific and technical framework for materials based on plastics and rubbers which includes the systematic comprehension of this area of studies and a control of the skills and research methods related to it, in order for them to foster technological, social and cultural advances in the academic and professional contexts.
CG2.- Provide students with the fundamental knowledge and necessary tools for research applied to topics related to the science and technology of polymers, emphasizing new challenges in the field and their determining influence in new technologies and new materials based on plastics and rubbers.
CG3.- Provide students with the bases in physics and chemistry and material sciences on which the production and transformation processes of plastics and rubbers are based, presenting the most recent advances in research and a perspective on the main challenges and barriers facing the research and technological development of different polymer materials.
CG4.- Provide students with the basic and specific knowledge about new testing methods and regulations which need to be applied to polymer materials as well as specific considerations from the environmental and recycling framework.
CT1.- Applying skills: showing that students know the structural bases and the application of materials based on plastics and rubbers, applying acquired skills and their ability to solve problems in a wide variety of multidisciplinary contexts related to their area of specialization.
CT2.- Ability to communicate skills: students are able to clearly, concisely and comprehensibly communicate, both orally and in writing, their research and conclusions with the bases that support them, both for a specialized and non-specialized public.
CT3.-Ability to make judgments: students are able to integrate skills and face the complexity of making judgments from scientific or technical information. This also includes the reflective aspects about social responsibilities and ethics tied to applying their skills and judgments.
CE1.- Show that the student knows the macromolecular chemistry methods and procedures for the synthesis of polymers as well as the synthetic, characterization and analytical aspects unique to polymer materials.
CE2.- Apply characterization and analysis methods to polymer materials, according to the physiochemical properties studied as well as different types of tests for materials based on plastics and rubbers.
CE3.- Show that students know the structural bases and the physics and chemistry of the solid state of polymers to be able to correlate the structure with the properties.
CE4.- Show that students know the technology for production, transformation and recycling processes of polymers in all types of industrial and material processing methods.
CE5.- Show that students know the bases and possibilities of the reactive process for polymers as well as the change in properties and applications which can result from modification reactions.
CE6.- Show that students can identify, choose and evaluate the necessary tests to know the benefits of the materials in their diverse applications. They should also know the adequacy and selection of materials in function of current guidelines and regulations.
CE7.- Show that students know the structure-properties relationship for different families of polymers and their industrial grades in order to select and apply the materials to different applications for polymer material formulations.
CE8.- Show that students know the structure-properties relationship for composite materials, their design possibilities, preparation, new processing methods and their applications.
CE9.- Show that students know and can apply skills related to polymer Rheology and molecular simulation in the characteristics of materials related to their applications.
CE10.- Show and apply skills about the science and technology of elastomers with their specific differential characteristics as materials in relation to their applications.
CE11.- Apply skills acquired in different aspects of the science and technology of polymers, during the End of Master's Project, to specific research within the area of specialization.
CE12.- Show the ability to obtain bibliographical information about a topic and the aspects which are presented in the research, obtain results applying the necessary means and acquired skills as well as analyzing these which allows for scientific discussion and an advance in knowledge about the topic of research for the End of Master's Project.
CE13.- Showing the ability to present, defend and argue the results of the End of Master's Project orally and in writing to both experts and non-experts in the topic that was researched.
The High Specialization Master's Degree in Plastics and Rubber is specially directed towards students with a degree in Science and Engineering.
Graduates obtaining the Master's Degree are experts in polymers with solid training in the areas of science and technology of plastic and rubber materials.
They will be able to design, select, transform, use and apply different types of polymers.
They will have skills to characterize and use these concepts to optimize and adapt different production processes.
Additionally, they will acquire the tools to solve problems related to formulating polymer materials in relation to their applications.
Before finishing the program students will be informed of possible professional industrial opportunities within the sector as well as the academic possibilities that can be accessed with the degree.
Access with an official university degree from Spain or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Admission to the High Specialization Master's Degree in Plastics and Rubber requires an official university degree from Spain or another higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the EHEA which grants access to study a Master's Degree in the country of origin. Special preference will be given to science and engineering degrees.
Access with a university degree from outside the EHEA: Students with degrees from education systems outside the EHEA can be accepted without requiring official recognition of their degrees by accrediting that the level of studies is the equivalent to that of official university degrees in Spain and that the degree allows access to postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
Access for these students depends on a favorable decision from the Rector. The decision by the Rector will never imply official recognition of the degree the student possesses nor its recognition for purposes other than to study the Master's Degree.
Pre-enrolment should be carried out via internet by completing the online Pre-enrolment Form (Formulario de Preinscripción) available on the UIMP website. When pre-registration is made, the required documentation must be attached in PDF format, although the documents do not need to be authenticated at the time of pre-registration. However, they should be certified because it will be essential to formalize registration, if admitted.
Photocopy of National ID card, in the case of Spanish citizens, or of passport or identity document, in the case of foreign nationals.
Photocopy of the Qualification Certificate which provides access to Masters' Degree studies, or proof of having paid for the issuance of the certificate concerned.
Certification of personal academic records.
ID or Passport-size photograph, in JPG format.
Curriculum Vitae, in PDF format, so as to facilitate the assessment of other merits appropriate to the admissions profile.
Students presenting foreign and non-homologated degrees must also provide to access:
Certification from the issuing university stating that the degree offered qualifies one for access to postgraduate studies in the country in question.
Personal academic certification which specifies the study program completed; official duration of the program in academic years and listing of courses taken, grade, and credit load of each one.
IMPORTANT: The academic documents of foreign degrees are to be presented translated into Spanish, where necessary; all those corresponding to countries not belonging to the EHEA are to be certified (on the UIMP website, general information on these requirements can be found).
The required documentation in original format should ONLY be submitted to the Student Administration Office (Secretaría de Estudiantes - C/ Isaac Peral 23. 28040 Madrid - Spain) in the event that the application has been passed by the Academic Committee for the Master's.
Universal accessibility will be guaranteed and the necessary resources and support will be monitored for those students with disabilities in order to assure the correct completion of the Master's. We ask that these students indicate their specific needs when enrolling.
In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs.
The following will be considered in the admission process:
Degree granting access. Degrees in science and engineering will be given preference.
Academic transcript. The average grade on the academic transcript will be taken into account.
Participation in other training programs.
Mobility during undergraduate degree studies.
For a weighted value for the admission criteria, points 1 and 2 will be considered 90%. Points 3 and 4 will be considered 10% of the final value.
The Academic Committee for the Master's will be in charge of examining and valuing admission applications and approving the accepted candidates according to the previously mentioned criteria. The Academic Committee will publish a list each academic course on the UIMP web site.
The support and guidance system for students registered in the Master's Degree consists of the following:
The director(s) for the project will act as tutors for the practical work and, in general, for all academic questions students may have during the Master's Degree.
The Academic Committee will assign a tutor to each registered student for the duration of their studies. Tutors will be chosen from the teaching and research staff for the Master's Degree.
The relationship between End of Master's Projects and tutors will be created once the registration period is completed and will be available to consult via communication means available to the program.
Students will be able choose from the proposed research topics. During the Master's and the practical tasks, a student's tutors may hold necessary meetings in order to resolve any academic guidance and management issues that the student may require. The assigned tutor will guide the student in aspects which will be useful in order for the student to, upon registering for the End of Master's Project, have a wide and adequate view of the academic focus for the project.
The ability to direct a student towards professional activity in the plastics industry is based on the involvement of the Asociaciones de Empresarios de Plásticos (ANAIP), the Consorcio Nacional de Industriales del Caucho (COFACO) and the Association of Plastic Manufacturers in Europe (PlasticsEurope).
The ability to encourage the student towards completing a Doctoral Thesis is based on the scientific research environment in which the Master's is developed, which the student will come into contact with through practical lessons making up the degree and by completing the End of Master's Project.
Alberto Gallardo Ruiz, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Rodrigo Navarro Crespo, Postdoctoral Scientist, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Contact email:
Professors from the following universities participate in the Master's: Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (CSIC), Repsol, the Rey Juan Carlos University, the University of Zaragoza-Plastics Injection Workshop (TIIP) and the University of País Vasco, as well as numerous invited lecturers from other academic and industrial institutions.
Detailed information about professors associated with the program can be consulted on the "Syllabus" section on this web page.
Solid State: María de los Ángeles Gómez Fatou Rodríguez, Research Professor, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Macromolecular Chemistry: Helmut Reinecke, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Characterizing Polymers: Ernesto Pérez Tabernero, Research Professor, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Manufacturing and Recycling Processes: Inmaculada C. Suárez Muñoz, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Rey Juan Carlos University
Transformation Processes: Inmaculada Campoy Felipe, Copolymer Development Engineering, REPSOL Technological Center
Injection Molds: Daniel Mercado Barraqueta, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zaragoza
Reaction and Additive Process: Juan Rodríguez Hernández, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Normalization, environment and industry: Raquel Verdejo Márquez, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Polymer Materials and Applications: Fernando Catalina Lapuente, Research Professor, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Composite Materials: Miguel Ángel López Manchado, Research Professor, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Rheology: Juan Francisco Vega Borrego, Senior Scientist, Institute for the Structure of Matter (IEM-CSIC)
Molecular Simulation: Ángel E. Lozano López, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
The Science and Technology of Elastomers: Juan López Valentín, Senior Scientist, Institute of Polymer Science and Technology (ICTP-CSIC)
Tutor for each student
Evaluation will be continuous via exams in the different subjects and attendance will be mandatory. The grade obtained after the oral presentation and defense of the Master's Final Project will be added to this grade.
Students have up to four calls to pass each subject, two per academic year enrolled with the current curriculum, counting among the four both qualified calls and those not evaluated. Without prejudice to the maximum number of calls, to guarantee a minimum academic performance, and a reasonable use, students will have to exceed a minimum of 50% of the ECTS enrolled each academic year. If they do not reach this percentage, they will not be able to renew their enrollment to continue their studies at the UIMP.
100496 | Solid State | January 26, 2022 |
100497 | Macromolecular Chemistry | January 31, 2022 |
100498 | Characterizing Polymers | January 28, 2022 |
100499 | Manufacturing and Recycling Processes | December 13, 2021 |
100500 | Transformation Processes | January 24, 2022 |
100501 | Injection Molds | February 18, 2022 |
100502 | Reaction and Additive Process | March 22, 2022 |
100503 | Normalization, environment and industry | March 15, 2022 |
100504 | Polymer Materials and Applications | May 16, 2022 |
100505 | Composite Materials | April 25, 2022 |
100506 | Rheology | March 4, 2022 |
100507 | Molecular Simulation | April 1, 2022 |
100508 | The Science and Technology of Elastomers | May 23, 2022 |