Complaints and suggestions

The complaint and suggestions box is there to attend complaints, suggestions and comments from students enrolled on Masters' and Doctoral Degrees about academic activities and any related services, as well as the facilities, as long as they do not require a specific action that would affect the applicant’s rights.

  • A complaint warns the university of something that is amiss, but does not imply a reply nor necessarily an immediate or specific action.
  • A suggestion is a way to communicate ideas to improve any aspect of university life or services.
  • A student may also show their support for or congratulations on any process that has been especially useful, or towards any person who has been of help to them. 

After due analysis, the UIMP commits to giving an individual and reasoned reply within 20 working days. This may lead to improvements being made within the university.



Receiving complaints and suggestions

On the website of each official university course, students can access the complaints/suggestions box by clicking on the corresponding icon.

From here, a form can be accessed where the following information is required:

  • Name and surname(s).
  • Name of UIMP course for which the complaint or suggestion is being made.
  • Email where reply should be sent.
  • Detail of complaint, suggestion, congratulations or comment.

Upon clicking SEND, the text will automatically be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (UIMP email) and to the partner entity’s email (MU email).

Complaints requesting specific actions which affect the student’s rights to admission, enrolment or academic file (marks review, grants, resits, etc.) will be processed according to UIMP regulations. Information is available by writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exchange of information with partner centres

Partner centres and the UIMP will be mutually informed of the complaints, suggestions and proposals which are of relevance for the development and improvement of the courses which have been received by a means other than the suggesstions box on the UIMP website.

With a view to improving its courses, the complaints and suggestions will be duly analysed in the respective commissions and work groups and will be taken into account for making improvements.



  • UIMP Protocol for the attention of complaints and suggestions (PDF Document). Approved by the UIMP Quality Commission on May 16, 2018
  • Royal Decree 1791/2010, of December 30, 2010, approving the University Student Statute (BOE No. 318 of December 31, 2010).
  • Organic Law 4/2007, of April 12, 2007, which amends Organic Law 6/2001, of December 21, 2001, on Universities (BOE No. 89 of April 13, 2007)

Analysing and replying to the complaints and suggestions

Acknowledgement of receipt

In charge of attending the suggestions boxes every 48 hours at the latest are:

  • On behalf of the UIMP, a person appointed from the Students’ Secretary’s Office (UIMP suggestions appointee).
  • On behalf of the partner centre, a person appointed (MU suggestions appointee).

On receiving an email the MU suggestions appointee will reply to the student immediately with acknowledgement of receipt and a code. This email will also be sent to the UIMP.

Analysing and writing the reply

The partner centre will analyse the complaint or suggestion and will write up a reply.

If the partner centre considers that the reply should be written by the UIMP, due to it being the sole responsibility of the university, they should address this in an email to the UIMP suggestions box with the code that has been assigned to the complaint or suggestion.

Sending the reply

When the reply is written in a partner centre, it will be sent to the student with the UIMP in copy. When the reply is written in the UIMP, it will be sent to the student with the MU in copy.

This process must take no longer than 20 working days.