Official documentation of the program |
Suggestion Box |
Organized in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP)
2st Edition. From September, 2021 to June 2023 (two academic years), In the second year, classes will begin on 26 September 2022 and will end on 30 June 2023, with the defence of the TFM before a Tribunal.
The Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP) have planned, through an academic alliance, the program for the Official High Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership.
The program combines academic thoroughness and practical experience to reinforce the competences of those public servants who are called to lead the ongoing adaptation of Public Administration to new contexts and needs.
The Master's Degree program has 4 specialities:
Senior Public Management.
Digital Society.
Communication of Public Administration.
Local Administration Management.
The Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership is adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and its course load is measured in ECTS credits, which is the standard used by all universities in the EHEA to guarantee homogeneity and quality in university studies.
The Master's takes place both on and offsite in a blended part-time program (in two academic years).
Regular Pre-Enrolment Period: march 03 to june 8, 2023 (until 12:00 Madrid time)
Enquiries regarding the pre-enrolment process should be addressed to:
Regular Enrolment Period: From June 27, 2023, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the notification of admission.
Submission of documentation: from the time of enrolment until the first two weeks of the course.
Enquiries regarding the enrolment process should be addressed to:
Additional information can be found at this link
Consuelo Sánchez Naranjo
Director of the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP)
Contact email:
Admission of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the master's according to the conditions for access and specific requirements for admission to the program with the objective of not surpassing the 80 spaces established as the course maximum.
The activities are developed in the Virtual Classroom of the INAP and in face-to-face sessions.
INAP offices in Alcalá de Henares
Plaza de San Diego s/n. 28801 Alcalá de Henares
The Master's has a course load of 60 ECTS credits. The program is structured around a common core of 30 mandatory credits, 24 specialty credits and the End of Master's Project has a course load of 6 credits.
The Master's Degree has 4 specialities of 24 credits each:
Speciality in Senior Public Management.
Speciality in Digital Society.
Speciality in Communication of Public Administration.
Speciality in Local Administration Management.
The master's takes place both on and offsite in a blended part-time program, in two academic years. The first year is common (30 compulsory credits), and in the second year the student has to choose one of the 4 specialties (24 elective credits) and complete the master's thesis (6 credits).
The temporal distribution of the subjects is described below:
Subject 102530 - Introduction to public leadership and new challenges for Public Administration (4 credits)
Subject 102531 - Public principles and values (3 credits)
Subject 102532 - Stategic planning and communication (6 credits)
Subject 102533 - Project management and team management (6 credits)
Subject 102534 - Information analysis and research towards innovation and decision-making (6 credits)
Subject 102535 - Digital services (5 credits)
Speciality in Senior Public Management
Subject 102536 - Technical standards. Analysis of the impact of regulations and their improvement (3 credits)
Subject 102537 - Quality management and engineering processes (4 credits)
Subject 102538 - Personnel strategy and management in Public Administration (4 credits)
Subject 102539 - Jobs, professional competences and performance (5 credits)
Subject 102540 - Analytical accountancy (4 credits)
Subject 102541 - Strategic and responsible recruitment (4 credits)
Speciality in Digital Society
Subject 102542 - Digital ecosystem (6 credits)
Subject 102543 - Data and knowledge (6 credits)
Subject 102544 - Digital services for society (6 credits)
Subject 102545 - Public digital marketing (6 credits)
Speciality in Communication of Public Administration
Subject 102546 - Strategic management and tactical-operational aspects of communication in Public Administration (3 credits)
Subject 102547 - Intangibles in Public Administration (3 credits)
Subject 102548 - Research for the detection and assessment of communication (3 credits)
Subject 102549 - Communication projects, campaigns and techniques (3 credits)
Subject 102550 - Internal communication in Public Administration (3 credits)
Subject 102551 - ICT in Public Administration (3 credits)
Subject 102552 - Crisis communication in Public Administration (3 credits)
Subject 102553 - Public diplomacy, protocol and communication of events (3 credits)
Speciality in Local Administration Management
Subject 102554 - Personnel management and development in Local Administration (5 credits)
Subject 102555 - The budget as a strategic tool in Public Administration (5 credits)
Subject 102556 - Strategic public recruitment in local enterprises (3 credits)
Subject 102557 - New local developments and the consequences for organisations (3 credits)
Subject 102558 - Urban planning towards sustainable development (3 credits)
Subject 102559 - Financial management and budget control in local enterprises (5 credits)
End of Master's Project
Subject 102560 - End of Master's Project (6 credits)
AF1 - Onsite classes
AF2 - Group work
AF3 - Individual work
AF4 - Participation in virtual classroom forums
AF5 - Autonomous work
EV1 - Exams (theoretical or practical)
EV2 - Evaluation of group work
EV3 - Evaluation of individual work
EV4 - Evaluation of participation in the forums of the Virtual Classroom
EV5 - Evaluation of the Master's Thesis
This Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership is mainly of a professional interest, in addition to scientific knowledge that will be developed therein. One of the advantages of this program lies in the combination of academic knowledge and knowledge which stems from professional experience in the public sector.
Pre-management and management positions in Public Administration imply, generally speaking and alongside other responsibilities, managing task forces, planning and communicating strategies, decision-making, project management, research and analysis of information, innovation proposals, and ensuring compliance of public principles and values.
In this Master's Degree, therefore, it is essential that all students, independently of their choice of speciality, receive a common training related to these duties. At a later stage, they can specialise in those areas where the INAP (Spain's National Institute of Public Administration) has considerable experience and which are particularly relevant for public organisms in both present day and future contexts:
This speciality addresses techniques which senior managers will need to apply to improve the performance of public organisms in areas such as strategic management of resources and people, quality management and regulatory techniques.
This speciality addresses digital technologies from the standpoint of its impact on society and Public Administration. It allows the student to understand the opportunities afforded them upon starting a career in public management, and trains them to evaluate the associated risks. The aim is not to delve into the technical characteristics of different digital technologies, but to analyse how, by citizens, companies and all types of organisms using them, leads to the appearance of new models of relationships, production and consumerism, and consequently, how Public Administration should act from a threefold perspective: as a user, driving force and regulator.
This speciality addresses how more open and fluid relationships are forged between public organisms and their environment. To this end, the design, planning and implementation of communication in Public Administration, and in specific areas of the application of public communication will be worked on.
Local organisations, as well as being closest to the citizens, have their own peculiarities where management is concerned. This speciality addresses the specifics within public management in local organisations, with particular attention to economic and budget management, people management and urban planning.
The focus of these four specialities is extremely practical: the student will have to analyse real-life experiences and design application projects adapted to their own professional environment.
CG1 - To have and understand the knowledge which provides a basis or opportunity for originality in the development and/or implementation of ideas in the public sector, often in an action-research context.
CG2 - To apply acquired knowledge to problem-solving in new or unfamiliar environments within wider (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to Public Administration, by carrying out short-term exercises by means of available technology and evidence.
CG3 - Systematic integration of different knowledge and perspectives, and the ability to tackle the complexity of making judgements with incomplete or limited information, which includes considerations about social and ethical responsibilities linked to the implementation of judgements in the public sector.
CG4 - Communication of conclusions -and knowledge and reasons that support them- to specialised and non-specialised members of the public in a clear, unambiguous way, and using the potential of different tools available to Public Administration such as actively listening.
CG5 – The ability to establish personal learning plans, which will allow the students to continue developing their capabilities in a way in which they will, to a great extent, need to be autonomous to facilitate their adaptability to change.
CE1 - Identify values and ethical standards, as well as personal and interpersonal abilities which imply leadership in the public sector, while integrating them into a process of continuous personal improvement.
CE2 - Critically analyse to what extent different models of leadership and Public Administration, as well as specific initiatives in which these become a reality, contribute to the creation of public value.
CE3 - Identify effective equality demands and become familiar with public policies geared towards satisfying those demands.
CE4 - Analyze, design and implement policies and programs which integrate Sustainable Development Objectives and incorporate the principles of an open government.
CE5 - Learn and apply critical analysis and interpretation of knowledge techniques for decision-making.
CE6 - Handle tools to design, carry out and plan strategies and operations from a public management perspective.
CE7 - Become familiar with the principles and techniques of public communication, and apply them to the design, execution and analysis of the global strategy of public administrations.
CE8 - Create, develop and lead teams in the public sector, and participate in networks and alliances to achieve objectives.
CE9 - Integrate innovation into the organisational change framework, identify opportunities and challenges which digital transformation in Public Administration entails, and to acquire the technical and organisational knowlege required to lead digitalisation, computerisation and automation projects in the public sector.
These competences correspond to each of the Master's specialties, and therefore will be acquired by the students, according to their chosen speciality.
CAG1 - Design, execute and evaluate the implementation of a model for quality in Public Administration.
CAG2 - Identify and harness opportunities that arise, that will improve working processes.
CAG3 - Apply material and formal quality techniques to the creation of regulations.
CAG4 - Analyze the strategies and management tools of Public Servants.
CAG5 - Analyze the organizational culture and the working climate.
CAG6 - Analyze and describe positions, measure workloads and create professional profiles.
CAG7 - Evaluate individual and collective performance by assigning objectives and assessing competences.
CAG8 - Apply personal development techniques: coaching and effective feedback.
CAG9 - Analyze costs from an accounting perspective, and establish cost efficiency within services provided.
CAG10 - Analyze the supply and demand of assets and services in order to adjust the organization of citizens' needs.
CAG11 - Design contractual processes for goods and services which will allow for the choosing of the most adequate option, and assess their performance.
CSD1 - Identify and distinguish between social, economic and organizational aspects, which have been affected by different digital technologies.
CSD2 - Assess the use of digital technologies in the creation of public value.
CSD3 - Design recruitment, integration and use of data strategies for their use in public policies.
CSD4 - Identify the risks that Public Administrations run when converting to organizations based on data, and manage said risks so that their public safety and right to privacy are guaranteed.
CSD5 - Organize public services based on data.
CSD6 - Design and validate public services from the user's perspective.
CSD7 - Evaluate the risks associated with on-line public services.
CSD8 - Analyze and reorganize internal processes within public organizations from the perspective of services rendered to citizens.
CSD9 - Integrate multichannel digital communication within public administration.
CSD10 - Choose the most appropriate channels of digital communication for Public Administrations and plan their monitoring and analysis.
CSD11 - Assess and choose public digital communication strategies and their associated risks.
CCP1 - To choose the communication aspects of public organisms (services, leaders, campaigns, etc.) which should be the object of applied research with a view to improving communication management, both internally and externally.
CCP2 - To create public organigrams (identify them, organize them into a hierarchy and divide them into different segments) in order to carry out communication processes which will allow for long-term relationships between public administration and their different publics.
CCP3 - Identify, manage and measure the tangible values of Public Administration.
CCP4 - Diagnose and assess communication in public organisms.
CCP5 - Design, implement and assess communication plans for Public Administration.
CCP6 - Formulate and develop information policies of public organisms.
CCP7 - Foresee public sector risks and crises, from a communication perspective, as well as identifying the need to manage them efficiently.
CCP8 - Apply useful technological tools in Public Administration communication.
CCP9 - Identify the events which best channel the communicative strategy of a public institution and put the protocol regulations into practice.
CCP10 - Understand the basic concepts of public diplomacy and learn how to convey messages to the public at large.
CEEL1 - Coordinate and lead the working of local Administration units, by integrating the principles of management change and encouraging teamwork.
CEEL2 - To become familiar with and use interpersonal skills for negotiation and cooperation, by harmonizing the positions and interests of the interested parties who work with Local Administrations.
CEEL3 - Plan budgetary and financial resources in line with the objectives and priorities set out by municipal corporate bodies.
CEEL4 - Acquire specialized knowledge on the implementation, modification and elimination of local public expenses and revenue towards efficient public management.
CEEL5 - To become familiar with the mechanisms by which local public contracting abides by.
CEEL6 - Analyze and use the public-private collaborative formulae in relation to Local Administration.
CEEL7 - Apply economic and environmental sustainability techniques in local urban planning.
CEEL8 - Spearhead urban regeneration projects and plans.
CEEL9 - To become familiar with and analyze the structure and working process of Local Administration after changes in regulations have taken place.
CEEL10 - Define initiatives that promote a continued improvement and transformation of local public organisms.
CEEL11 - Carry out the accounting of local entities, considering public accountancy a means of informing about public management.
CEEL12 - Use budge control as a technique for improving local management.
The Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership is geared towards public employees in management positions within Public Administration.
More specifically, it is geared towards public servants who are in subgroup A1 and associated categories, in general Public Administration and its public organisms, Regional Governments, Local Administration or public universities, and who have at least five years’ experience in the public sector.
The aim of the Master's Degree is to train senior public employees to develop management and analytical skills which will allow them to deal with leadership and management of public issues in a creative and innovative way so as to face the challenges required by the new styles of relational government.
For this reason, during the first year the program focuses on the development of knowledge, values and skills of a transversal nature related to the following skills:
Critical, systematic and strategic thinking.
Unit management and team leadership and development.
Decision-making based on evidence analysis.
Acting with integrity.
Promote alliances and foster implication and participation.
Boost and manage change processes which increase public value.
The students will specialize in one of the following areas in their second year:
Senior Public Management.
Digital Society.
Communication of Public Administration.
Local Administration Management.
Access with an official university degree from Spain or the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Admission to the Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership requires an official university degree from Spain or another higher education institution belonging to another Member State of the EHEA which grants access to study a master's degree in the country of origin.
Access with a university degree from outside the EHEA: Students with degrees from education systems outside the EHEA can be accepted without requiring official recognition of their degrees by accrediting that the level of studies is the equivalent to that of official university degrees in Spain and that the degree allows access to postgraduate studies in the country of origin.
Access for these students depends on a favorable decision from the Rector. The decision by the Rector will never imply official recognition of the degree the student possesses nor its recognition for purposes other than to study the master's degree.
Applications for admission must be sent via the web site "Online Pre-Registration" which can be accessed on the UIMP website at When pre-registration is made, the required documentation must be attached in PDF format, although the documents do not need to be authenticated at the time of pre-registration. However, they should be certified because it will be essential to formalize registration, if admitted.
Photocopy of ID document (in the case of Spanish students) or NIE or passport (in the case of foreign students).
Photocopy of degree which grants access to the master's degree.
Personal academic transcript.
ID-size photo, in JPG format, identifying the file with the student's surname(s) and name, without spaces.
Curriculum vitae (maximum of 4 pages), in PDF format, which allows evaluating other merits in the applicant's profile. You must download the following standard resume, complete it, and attach it with the rest of the documentation.
Students with a non-homologated degree or one which is in the process of homologation must additionally provide:
Certification from the university where studies were completed which states that the degree grants access to postgraduate studies in the country where it was issued.
Personal academic transcript which states the official length of the program in academic years, the curriculum followed, the subjects studied, grades received and the course load for each of them.
Acceptance of candidates will be decided by the Academic Committee for the master's once the pre-registration period is complete. The university will inform applicants of their acceptance in order to proceed with the registration process.
Original required documentation should ONLY be provided to the UIMP Student Secretary upon admission into the program by the Academic Committee.
Universal accessibility is guaranteed and supervision will guarantee that students with disability have the necessary resources and support to correctly complete the master's by asking them to indicate their specific needs when applying for the program. In this link you can consult the UIMP Protocol for the attention of students with specific educational needs.
Public servants who are in subgroup A1 with at least five years' experience in the public sector and associated categories within State Public Administration and its public organisms, Regional Governments, Local Administration and public universities can apply for this Master.
No specific university degrees or academic profiles are required prior to admission, as this Master is of a professional, interdisciplinary nature. Since it is geared towards public servants from subgroup A1, all applicants should have a university degree and at least five years’ work experience in the public sector.
Admission is based on the following assessment criteria:
Candidate's career and CV within Public Administration: 50%.
Level of responsibility within the organization where they have worked: 50%.
These criteria will be used to assess each applicant, who will be awarded between 0 and 100 points. A list of candidates will then be created in order of the points awarded. The INAP Academic Commission will then establish the minimum admission points.
Upon pre-registering on the Master's Degree, the applicant will have to indicate their order of preference for their speciality, giving reasons for their choice. This information will act as a guideline only, as the specialities are taught in the second year and the students can choose them at the appropriate time.
Unless there is a minimum of 10 applicants for a speciality, this speciality will not be offered that year. The maximum number of students per speciality is 30. If there are more than 30 applicants for a speciality, admission will be based on the points scored in the admission assessment process, and on the reasons given for their choice.
If the applicant is not admitted to their first choice, they will be offered a place in the program of their second choice. Students can apply to the Master's coordinator for a change of speciality during the first term. This change will be granted dependent on availability of places and will be decided by the INAP Academic Board.
The INAP will offer students a personalized and continuous support system throughout the Master's.
At the beginning of the Master's, a welcome session will be held at which members of the training program team will be present.
Additionally, each reading group will have a coordinator who will be available to students to guide and support them throughout the program.
At the same time, students will have a Virtual Classroom which includes a support service via message and forums.
Each student will also have an advisor who will guide them in completing the Master's Thesis.
The responsibility of the direction of this master's degree, as well as of the others taught in collaboration with the INAP, corresponds to a Single Academic Council, which is made up of three ex officio members -the INAP Director and two general deputy directors of this institution- and three appointed members -University professors of recognized prestige who teach at one of the INAP Masters. In addition, as secretary of the Academic Council, an official of one of the training sub-directorates of the INAP will act.
Thus, the Unique Academic Council of the INAP is formed by the following members:
Ex officio members:
Consuelo Sánchez Naranjo. Director of the INAP and Director of the Academic Council.
Israel Pastor Sainz-Pardo. Deputy Director of Learning at INAP and deputy Director of the Academic Council
Designated members:
José Antonio Olmeda Gómez. Professor of Political Science and Administration of the National University of Distance Education.
María José Canel Crespo. Professor of Public Communication at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Ángel Menéndez Rexach. Professor of Administrative Law at the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Secretary of the Council:
María Amor Sánchez de Ron. Assistant Deputy Director of Learning at INAP.
The Single Academic Council is responsible for annually approving the teaching schedule of each master's degree and the application of the admission criteria in the selection of students and the rules of permanence and recognition and transfer of credits. Likewise, it annually analyzes the report sent by the Quality Commission of the INAP in relation to the master's degrees taught to take the appropriate decisions.
Contact email:
Given the professional nature of the Master's Degree, the teaching staff includes university professors and researchers, managers of the public Administration and professionals from the private sector, both from the business world and from civil society.
The tutoring of the Master's Thesis may be carried out by university professors, professional professors from the Public Administration and professional professors from the private sector. Since the Master's Thesis consists of carrying out an applied research project or in the analysis of a specific public policy or problem, most of the Master's Thesis tutors will be professionals of the Public Administration with responsibilities and experience in said policies or public problems .
All teachers have experience in the use of technological tools to teach in a non-face-to-face way.
Ernesto Abati García-Manso. Superior Corps of State Civil Administrators. Manager of the National Heritage Board of Directors
Carlos Adiego Samper. Vocal Advisor, Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP)
Aleida Alcaide García. Superior Corps of Information Systems and Technologies of the State Administration. Head of the Information Technology Department, National Institute of Public Administration (INAP)
Ramón Ángel Bouzas Lorenzo. Professor of Political Science and Administration, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Vicente Calvo del Castillo. Local Administration Officer with National Qualification, Subscale of Intervention - Treasury. General Treasurer of the City Council of A Coruña
Carlos Elías Pérez. Professor of Journalism, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Enric Herranz Moral. Director of Training Services, Provincial Council of Barcelona
Virginia Losa Muñiz. PhD in Law. Local Administration Officer with National Qualification, Secretariat Subscale. Deputy Secretary-General of the Palencia Council
María Rosa de la Peña Gutiérrez. PhD in Law. Local Administration Officer with National Qualification, Secretariat Subscale. Deputy Secretary of the City Council of Palencia
Nieves Rodríguez Brisaboa. Professor of Computer Languages and Systems, Universidad de A Coruña
The master's takes place both on and offsite in a blended part-time program over two academic years.
Face-to-face sessions will usually take place two or three times a month from Monday to Wednesday, in the morning and afternoon. As long as the pandemic situation persists, face-to-face classes will take place online synchronously.
Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP). Plaza de San Diego s/n. 28801 Alcalá de Henares
Students will have a Virtual Classroom which includes a support service via message and forums.
The 2nd Edition of the Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership will take place between September 2022 and June 2023.
The face-to-face classes of the academic year 2022/20223will begin on October, 2022 and will end on May 10, 2023.
There are many different training activities throughout the master's: onsite classes and group work, workshops, and important teaching material which allow autonomous student work.
Student evaluation will be done through several systems to monitor the acquisition of the determined knowledge which include the evaluation of class attendance and student participation in training activities, evaluation of workshops and individual projects including, if applicable, evaluating oral presentations and participation in the Virtual Classroom forums.
At the same time, students will need to write and defend an End of Master's Project directed by an advisor, who will guide the student throughout the completion of the project and which will allow a comprehensive evaluation of the skills acquired by the student. This project must be presented in digital and paper format and will be publicly defended before a panel.
Students have up to four calls to pass each subject, two per academic year enrolled with the current curriculum, counting among the four both qualified calls and those not evaluated. Without prejudice to the maximum number of calls, to guarantee a minimum academic performance, and a reasonable use, students will have to exceed a minimum of 50% of the ECTS enrolled each academic year. If they do not reach this percentage, they will not be able to renew their enrollment to continue their studies at the UIMP.
Upon completing and passing the course, students enrolled in the master's program will receive the Master's Degree in Public Management and Leadership from the Rector of the UIMP.